19. Food and Explanations

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Third Person POV

An hour later, Astra pulled back into the institute parking lot, behind the building. Werewolves were very hungry after their first transformation, so she when she'd gone through the drive through at McDonald's, she had ordered more food than she could carry. After she pulled in, Jane came out of the building to help her, and took some bags.

"Has he turned back yet?" She asked. Jane nodded.

"When the growling stopped, Jay went in. His clothes were shredded, of course, and he was shaking and completely out of it. Jay washed him and dressed the guy in some of his clothes." She filled Astra in on all that had happened. Astra eyes her a moment.

"Did the clothes fit?"

"Suprisingly, yes. If course, they are loose in some places, but not half bad." They walked through the institute, heading for the infirmary. It was a large room filled with clean white linen beds. There was a fire pit in the middle of the room with thick bricks around it going in a larger circle than they had to, forming a sitting place. There were a few spare stele's on it so that one could just use an iratze, but they also had real medical supplies in case something happened to a person who wasn't a Shadowhunter.

She and Jane put the food on the bed by Hunter's, the drinks going on the tray for his bed. Astra started to unload the food on said tray.

"You gave him morphine already, yes?" She asked.

"Yep, all taken care of." Jane gave her a smile, and then left her alone with the boy. Astra continued to unload the food when she saw movement from the corner of her eye. She looked up and saw him waking.


The first thing he noticed was how dry his throat was. Hunter breathed in deeply, but winced as it emphasised the dry feeling in his throat. Then he felt a hand at the back of his head, and his head was being lifted slightly. There was a straw and his lips, and before he could question anything, he immediately started drinking. It was water, and it felt amazing o his throat. He soon finished the beverage, and only then did he open his eyes.

When he did, he saw a familiar looking girl, probably a few years older than him. She was looking down at him, and though she was familiar, he couldn't remember seeing her before. They locked eyes for a moment, but then she glanced away before handing him a burger. His stomach growled, and he dug into it, finishing it way to quickly. She gave him another burger, with fries this time, and he ate it a bit slower. She had one too, now, though se ate much more slowly than him. After he finished what he had, she handed him another again, also with fries. She also gave him a drink, this one Coca-Cola, rather then water. There was a small silence as the two of them ate, him now going at a much slower pace than him.

What was the last thing you remember?" She asked him. He paused for a moment, thinking.

"I uh..." He frowned. Did she know about the wizarding world? Could he even risk it?

"I had left where I was uh... living. I had..." he paused, wondering what to say. "I had just woken up from a coma, and I needed just... I... had to leave, I couldn't..." He voice drifted as the memory of what happened next came back to him. "There was... this animal, and-" his eyes widened as he looked up at the girl. "You were there." He realised why she looked familiar. "You- you were there, after, you helped when I-" then the truth crashed into him like a train, and all the memories returned at once as what happened played back in his head.

"Oh..." his voice was small and soft as she looked him in the eye. He looked up to meet her gaze. "I'm a - ?"

"Yes." She answered softly, sympathy lacing her voice. He frowned. "Are you-"

"No," she shook her head. He looked up again.

"What are you?" His voice wasn't accusing or suspicious, simply wondering. She took a deep breath, locking eyes with him once more.

"I'm what they call a shadowhunter. And... all those stories you grew up hearing are true."


Hunter took a sip of his drink, still processing all the information that had just been thrown at him. The girl gave him the moment he needed. Early on in the conversation, he had to admit he was a wizard - or had been. (He had, however, withheld details on how he had been stuck in an alternate dimension.) Now though, he had no intention of going back to the wizarding world. She had acted a little funny when he had told her, but she was fairly ok with it. Apparently she had already known about the wizarding world, though she hadn't said how.

"So wait," he had said, "I thought werewolves inly turned on full moons, and I thought they were never in control."

"Those are wizarding world werewolves, they turn because of a curse that was created a century or so ago. You transform because of a demonic disease you were infected with. Aside from the wolf thing, it really doesn't effect you much, although it does give you an advanced healing factor and a longer life span. So it isn't quite as crappy as it seems."

Once they had finished talking, he ad asked what would happen when he was healed.

"When your fully recovered, you'll meet the pack." She told him, and he was realised something.

"Wait, what's your name?"

She smiled. "Astra," she said. "Astra Bloodwick."

Hope you all enjoyed! See you next time! <3


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