15. Panic

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Third Person POV

"I still can't believe you fainted." Evelyn said. "You are an auror, Jackson. You are an auror, and have recently lived through a terrible war, and you passed out," her tone was disappointed and exasperated, but also amused. "I mean, honestly dude. You passed out!"

After Jackson had fainted, they decided to move him to a bed, and Poppy had gotten an ice pack for him. When he had woken up a few minutes ago, she stopped holding it to his head and let him do that himself.

Since then, he and Evelyn had been arguing back and forth. Right now, he was responding to her.

"Yeah well, I couldn't take it anymore! There was so much blood and it was - actually it still is - all over me! I HAVE BLOOD ON MY ROBES!"





"SHUT UP!" Poppy's voice cut through Evelyn and Jackson's. Silence overtook the room, as everyone stared at the nurse in shock. Evelyn and Jackson looked down in shame, and Poppy's face was red with anger, and her breathing was heavy.

"You two yelling in my hospital wing IS NOT OK! ONLY I HAVE THE RIGHT, SO SHUT UP!" Poppy was so very done with their arguing, and had been ready to scream at them for a while. Evelyn and Jackson looked down in shame. Poppy closed her eyes and took a deep breath, waiting a moment to calm down. After she felt like she was no longer at risk for yelling them again, she opened her eyes.

"Yes. He fainted. And to the contrary of what you just said Evelyn, it actually makes a lot of sense due to the war recently. As aurors, you have both had to deal with a lot recently, and have both been under a lot of stress. I believe Jackson felt panic, and it was to much today. As I said, it makes quite a bit of sense. He fainted, it happened, moving on. Now, Hunter and I have begun to eat meals in the teachers lounge so that he isn't in bed all the time. Dinner is in about ten minutes, and you can join us as we head down there. Jackson frowned.

"Why in ten minutes?"

As if on cue, the door opened, and two students came in supporting their limping friend between them. He looked really beat up, and it was clear Poppy would want to keep him overnight. Hunter, Evelyn, and Jackson all looked at Poppy incredulously. Evelyn opened her mouth, "how did you-"

"Quidditch practice." Poppy cut her off. Everyone nodded, now understanding how Poppy had known someone would show up. 

Poppy went over to the students, talking softly with them before she led the hurt one over to a bed, giving him a potion that would both take away the pain and sedate him. Dismissing his classmates, she laid out meals and glasses of water on the trays of both her patients in case either of them woke up. She did this knowing she would not return until morning, as Hunter has also been sleeping in her guest room in her part of the castle. All teachers had a sort of apartment type wing in the castle, with a common room, a kitchen, and two bedrooms and fully equipped bathrooms, so they could host guests if necessary. Soon, they were all on there way out the door, Poppy being the last out of the door. She gazed in for a moment, her eyes soft as they drunk in her patients. More specifically, the poor girl who had almost bled out. The girl she had saved from death. She was on a new bed, as her old one still had blood on it, and both her patients had been tucked in and were under the covers. Now, the poor girl who had been so hurt, lay peacefully in her sleep. Poppy's gaze drifted softly to the floor. "...sweet dreams," she murmured.

Then, closing the doors and locking up with a spell, she and Hunter headed off, accompanied by Evelyn and Jackson. All of them were none the wiser to the connection between the two they left behind...

**Later That Night!**

Astra gasped, eyes snapping open as she sat up bolt right. She continued to gasp breaths in until her throat felt dry the breaths she was taking, but she did not stop. Then she forced herself to stop. She was panicking, and she had to stop. What was happening? She kept frantically patting her stomach, wondering where the stab wound was. She couldn't think. She had never expected to be stabbed, it was a routine mission, and she was unable to think. Her only thoughts were wondering where the wound was!

Then, from a nearby window Astra hadn't known was there, moonlight shone in and brushed her face. Astra froze. For a moment - just a moment - she simply froze. Time stopped, too, as her hands hovered over her stomach. At last, she managed to register that there was no wound there, nor a scar.

She was fine.

Astra took in a long shaky breath full of emotion and relief, and she could practically feel the endorphins released in her brain as her mind caught up to her. She closed her eyes, trying to relax. She would never be able to think if she was still panicking. After she calmed down enough to think, she noticed some food and a glass of water in front of her. She was quick to grab for the water, gulping down almost half, and returning the glass to the table. She was surprised to note she was barely dehydrated at all. She couldn't say she was all that hungry either. Neither of these facts aligned with how much blood she had lost. She remembered that she didn't have a scar. After the whole thing with Amelia, magic healed her even better than an iratze. So much so that, depending on the wound, and if she was cared for quickly, magical healing could heal her scars. Maybe she was with some warlocks? Oh!

Icy fear filled Astra as it all came back to her. She remember glamoring herself and crawling, wounded and fast losing blood, through King's Cross. She went through Platform 9 & 3/4, and passing out in her own blood. Hogwarts. She was at Hogwarts, surrounded by witches and wizards. Her heart stuttered-

"Are you ok?"

She gasped, choking in a scream and cursing herself. She was a shadowhunter, she should be completely aware of her surroundings! She looked up into the grey eyes of a blonde haired boy. His hair was light and fair, somehow tugging at a faint memory in the back of her mind.

"Who are you?" She asked, untrusting of those she didn't know. He raised his eyebrows, ckearly not used to the question.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Are you ok?"

Hey guys! I'm really sorry, I know this is over a week since I posted, but I've been busy. I'm updating the next time sooner then usual to make up for it though!

Love you all, see you soon! <3

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