Chapter 9

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Charlotte POV

I gulped nervously, twiddling my thumbs as I sat alone below deck listening to the sounds of a battle.

My mind wandered endlessly as I contemplated the outcome of this conflict and what on earth I was doing here in the first place.

Suddenly I heard a bunch of yells and heavy footsteps thundering down the halls.

I quickly ran to the door and locked it, trembling. I ran behind a nearby desk and crouched down, trying to steady my frantic breathing.

The heavy footsteps drew closer until they stopped right outside of the door. The doorknob twisted and I held my breath.

All of a sudden, with a vicious kick the door burst open, buckling under the pressure.

I brought my hands up to shield my face from the wooden shrapnel, sure to leave me splinters and cuts. I felt several stings and felt warm sticky blood ooze down my face.

In walked two filthy men, their menacing eyes searching the room. Their eyes landed on the desk and they stomped over to it and started rifling through the drawers, completely oblivious to my presence below it.

I held my breath in fear. As they walked by, their stench wafted into my nostrils and i coughed. My eyes widened as I realized my error.

The silence was deafening until suddenly a dirty boot swung into my face and knocked the breath out of me. "Oof" I grunted as I was thrown across the floor by the force of the kick.

I looked up and found two pairs of beady eyes watching me like prey. They roughly grabbed my arms and dragged me up.

"This is the girl that the master told us to find eh. Forget the gold, the master is going to be very pleased when he sees this." One of the men who I assumed were pirates smirked.

The other one nodded in agreement and they dragged me out of the room. I struggled to free myself but their grips were strong.

I stomped on the man to my rights foot and he let loose a string of curses as he backhanded me.

I stumbled and fell against the wall, my world filling with stars.

The man grabbed some rope and tied my hands together behind me as well as my ankles and threw me over his shoulder as the other man watched on amused.

The stars filled my vision and I struggled to retain consciousness but the darkness got the best of me and my head slumped against the mans back.

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