Chapter 8

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POV of Lord Edgar Devreux

"My lord, the warden at Bedlam wanted me to tell you that your niece Charlotte Devreux has gone missing and is presumed dead."

The timid footman stuttered. "Thank you. Please fetch my advisor" i said.

He skittered away. My advisor Scott Harwick strode in. "My niece is missing. Will that transfer her fortune to me?" He frowned.

"The money will not go to you unless you have solid proof that she is dead."

I contemplated my options.

"Send out a missing message. Offer a reward of 1000 coins if she is found and brought back. Dead or alive. Preferably alive. Send out our detectives and bounty hunters as well." He curtly nodded. "Yes sir."

Though it has not gone according to plan so far,

I will find my niece dead or alive and have her fortune and powers one way or another.

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