I'm scared...

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Zoe POV: 

I finally woke up and i was trapped in a bubble. "Hello? Where am i!" "Oh, you don't wanna know brat.", Arachne said. "Arachne's lair.", I whispered. "Oh so you did inherit some of your mother's smarts!, she cackled, a hideous, terrifying laugh. I stayed silent. I, Zoe Silena Jackson, was scared. "Where are my parents?", I screamed. "Oh, perfectly fine dear, you see they know where you are and will they come get you or not? "Where exactly am I?" "My lair, brat, and if you're smart enough to know that's in Tarturas. You know to much now you twit. Have fun sleeping." And with that she put me in and endless sleep, not knowing if I'd ever wake up.

Sorry for the short chapter! How'd you feel about this one. So, I'm gonna be posting as much as i can before i have to get off the computer because I'm at school. Welp,never mind because she told us we have to get off ill try later. Leave some suggestions on what i should put on my next chapter!

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