Chapter 4: I am going to get her back.

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Author's Note: Sorry i haven't posted in a while i had a huge reader block on what to write.

Luke's P.O.V:

I can't do this. How did mom handle this. Mom and dad say to be strong. I tried for the longest time and i couldn't  keep all the pain inside. Little did mom and dad know, Bianca and I are going to get Zoe whether they like it. They woke us up at 2 in the morning saying goodbye. Dad pulled me aside, "Son, I know you want to save her, you can't though. Don't do it though. We can't loose you too." "ok..." 

They left 10 minutes ago.  Will left us to go to bed. We wrote him a note and put it on his night stand. It said," Will, we are so sorry. We have to save her. We love you, Bianca and Luke." We left secretly and no body saw us go, not even the nymphs.  We saw our parents and the seven and immediately dashed up into the trees. "Bianca, we need to stay up here and literally swing from the trees. If we use our powers we won't have any energy left and they'll see us", I whispered. "You're right. Come on they're walking away." We immediately started jumping from tree to tree and eventually the Seven stopped.  They got into the Argo II one by one. "Danget! How are we gonna follow them now?!", Bianca whispered-screamed. "Mom's caps." Mom got us both invisibility caps for emergency's. This was an emergency. We immediately put it on and quietly got into the Argo II without anyone noticing. We then made our way into the storage room.

Sorry for the short chapter and LONG wait. 

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