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Eleanor grabbed her wine glass from the table and began to drink it. Her eyes darted from Niall, and then to Zayn. The table was currently an uncomfortable place to be sitting at, and all four of them there knew it. A hand squeezed at her thigh suddenly, and once she realized it was her boyfriend, she gave him a soft smile, seeing that he was trying to comfort her.

Zayn sat back in his seat with a huff. His fingers twirled his glass in a full circle before he decided to look at Niall. The Irishman didn't seem fazed by the look Zayn gave him, but he was rubbing his palms together underneath the table, a sign of nervousness. The atmosphere was so awkward not even Louis could think of a subject to lift everyone's spirits.

"So, that's the girl you flagged down?" Zayn spoke up. Everybody's eyes traveled to his figure.


"She's got quite an attitude, mate."

Niall rolled his eyes. "I know that. You were asking all the wrong questions." There was a slight edge to his voice.

"I was trying to get to know her."

"By prying too far in! If she doesn't want to tell ya, then let it be."

He was defensive, way too defensive, and he knew that. His voice rose quite a bit at his advice, gripping at the end of the table. Louis and Eleanor must have sensed his frustration since they did not speak a word.

Zayn leaned forward across the table to only be inches away from his friend's face. His posture was almost a replica of Niall's.

"She's so rude, man." Zayn explained calmly. "She's even rude to you. Is she always like this?"

Niall gave a tight nod.

"Why put up with her, man?" At his question, Niall gave his friend a disgusted expression.

Right from the start, Eleanor could see the tension ride between Zayn and Hannah. The more questions he asked, the vaguer she became. She sipped her wine more often than before; her body language expressed how much she did not want to be here anymore. Their greetings were probably the only positive exchange between the two. Otherwise, it was just sarcastic comments to intrusive questions.

She eyed the boys in apprehension before turning to Louis to grip his hand.

"I might as well use the restroom."

"Okay, love." Louis smiled, answering in the same tone she did.

Eleanor rose from her seat, tossing the napkin on the table. She fixed her dress before trotting past tables. The boys didn't acknowledge her absence, but she heard Zayn's voice before she was too far away.

"She's no good for you, Niall."


A woman excused herself when she opened the swinging door, missing Eleanor by a few inches. She smiled genuinely before entering.

The walls were too white. The lighting wasn't needed to show it off. Many stalls were unoccupied, but it sounded like Eleanor and Hannah were the only two in the room. The room echoed, so her heels clicked loudly on the tile and deep breaths could be heard just a few feet away. She found the blonde leaning here hands on the sink, her eyes staring at the reflection in the mirror.

Eleanor made the excuse to use the restroom as an effort to talk with Hannah in the most subtle of ways. And it was clear Hannah caught on.

"Did they send you in here to check on me?" The blonde suddenly inquired, not breaking her gaze from the mirror.

"No," Eleanor delicately answered. "Louis told me something was stuck in my teeth. It's terrible lighting in the restaurant."

The lie flew from her mouth faster than she thought of it. To play it off, she stepped in front of the sink next to Hannah, smiling to view all of her teeth. She picked in between her teeth with her pinky finger until she sighed, confirming that she found the source of her mini and phony dilemma.

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