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"Oh, come on, you've got to show up."

Marisa leaned in the doorway of Hannah's bedroom holding on to a pair of pants she planned on wearing tonight. Hannah pushed away from her desk, rolling away in the chair farther than she intended to. Her eyes locked on her friend as she clasped her hands together.

"I could always say something came up." She suddenly burst into laughter. "If I ever see him again,"

The brunette rolled her eyes with a grin. "Chances are that you will. My God, if he cannot take his eyes off you the first two weekends in a row, why would tonight be any different?"

Hannah sighed. They were talking about a worldwide superstar who happened to have interest in her. It wasn't that big of a deal.  Sometime this week, the four other band members could have coaxed him to visiting a different pub in London or somewhere else around the world. Another blonde with grey eyes would appear before his sight and the name Hannah would disappear from his mind. She wasn't bitter about it; she knew the intentions of men like the back of her hand.

Marisa always gave a positive outlook on life like Hannah a few years ago. She saw the good in everyone, which led Hannah to believe she had terrible character judgment. Hannah didn't have to give the men two glances before she gave her proper opinion on them. So, it wasn't a surprise when she was eager to get Hannah out of the flat to meet her supposed Prince Charming.

The laptop dimmed from its lack of being used, and the blonde tapped a button on the keyboard to bring it to life. A word document displayed on her screen, being only paragraphs into her five page research paper. Her textbook was out and opened to some page in the three hundreds. Truthfully, she'd already begun rambling in the beginnings of her paper about the development of language and deserved a well-needed break. The pub was an obvious choice, but there was already one obvious reason not to go.

"I have a lot of work ahead of me."

Her friend shrugged and walked away. "Let me know if you change your mind!" Her voice lingered down the hallway.

Hannah scooted back to her desk in an attempt to at least get halfway through the paper. Everything about this assignment was absolutely tedious. Learning about it in the lecture had been a little bit more interesting because all the facts have been given to her. This was the boring part of her major. So far, her second year at school had been a bore. It's all about the development of the human brain, language, thinking, and grammar. It's all the basics, and she couldn't wait to get to the good stuff.

How she felt about the subjects reflected on how she wrote. Before skimming for more information in her textbook, she reread the first page of the research paper, realizing how off topic this was. Hannah let out an exasperated sigh at her piece of work, knowing all the revisions she'll have to make if she continues this horrendous paper. She won't have enough willpower do it by the time her class rolls around again.

Hannah gave her closet a glance. The door was wide open, showing some articles of clothing practically falling off the hangers as they were all smashed together. Her shopping addiction had become quite unhealthy is the past few years, and she could never find the heart to get rid of the items she didn't wear. Most of it would be hand-me-downs for Marisa, but always find a way back to her closet.

Just by looking at the storage space for her clothes, she began to ponder what outfits would look good together. The black jeans she just bought would surely be a good match for the tribal tank top she owned. The black jacket could fit perfectly over it. Her tan colored heels coordinated with the top, and before she knew it, she was ripping the clothing from the hangers and trying them on. After everything fit, she applied extra lip gloss and straightened her hair. The rest of her daily routine had been performed earlier, so all she had to do was grab her purse and walk out the door.

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