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Hannah had forgotten what it was like to be in love. She forgot about all the wonderful little aspects of having a boyfriend and how it was such a thrill for her.

They had been in a relationship for about two months, and Hannah couldn't remember a day where she had been unhappy. Sure, she had the envelope to keep reminding her all the bad times as it continued to rot on her dresser, but it gave her so many more reasons to keep spending the night with Niall.

With each day, Niall's knee was another step towards being (almost) healthy. Days where he went without his crutches were when he was the happiest. He felt as if he wasn't a burden to Hannah anymore now that he could do a lot of things on his own again.

The days flew by since the wedding for him as well. Everything seemed to be falling in place, especially for Hannah. He watched her start gaining back the friendship with her brother, who he was able to meet with a few times after the wedding. He couldn't express how much joy he felt when she got excited over the small things like check-up texts or random gifts. He had never seen Hannah in this state that he didn't want to see the day that it would all crumble back on top of her.

It had been a lazy weekday towards the end of April. Hannah had called off work and went over to her home away from home. The two had been watching a movie on and off for the past couple of hours. Currently, they were lost in themselves on the couch.

"I'm gonna be lost without ya when I leave." Niall spoke against her lips in a whisper.

Hannah opened her eyes abruptly. She brought her hands to his face, thumbs rubbing his cheeks. His sudden statement made her heart skip a beat. She searched his blue eyes for some kind of answer, but she was still so confused at what he said.

"What do you mean?"

"The tour," He stated as if it were the obvious. "The tour is in a couple of days."

The fact made Hannah's stomach drop. It would be months before she could hold him like this. She'd miss the way he would be only an arm's length away, rolling over on her side to know he was right next to her. Months would feel like years from not being able to kiss him or hug him. Being miles away means she had to watch his life through pictures, and she couldn't be part of it.

"Oh," Hannah interjected. She sat up, forcing Niall backwards and took his hands in hers. "Yeah, the tour...I forgot."

He didn't mean to kill the moment, but he had to set reality back into their relationship. He would have forgotten himself if he hadn't received a text earlier from the lads. There was a lot of packing he still needed to do.

"Are you going to be alright?"

She nodded, looking away from him still. "Yeah, you just caught me off guard."

"I'm only going to be in South America for a few weeks. In mid-May we get a week break before we get back on tour in Europe. You're coming to a few, you know." He looked at her with a smirk, hoping it would cheer her up.

Hannah finally glanced at him with a small smile.

"I got a few friend and family tickets. You'll be sitting with some of the girlfriends or family members so you don't have to deal with all the madness."

"And then, after Europe? You'll be in America for how long?"

"Tell me the cities you want to come to and I'll get you the tickets."

Hannah was aware that if he were to be dating somebody other than her, she would be jumping on him and telling him to get a ticket to every single concert he could. And it wasn't that she could care less about going to the concert, it was just about being able to be in the same room as him a couple times a month. For finally coming around and trusting Niall to be her partner, she didn't want to give him up to the world just yet. Going to visit the cities of her dreams were just benefits of be able to spend time with him.

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