Chapter Thirty Three- Kyoya Senpai The Sleeping Devil

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    "Doesn't this sound fascinating? Commoners hold events like these all the time. They're called expos. That's commoner lingo for exposition. Products from all over are gathered under one roof so that underprivileged people can cope with the emptiness of not being able to travel. If that makes this the perfect opportunity for us to better understand Haruhi by allowing the host club to study commoners in their natural environment. You guessed it, Kyoya. We're going to go. On a field trip. Haruhi won't be joining us today incidentally as her presence might harm our credibility as impartial observers," Tamaki rants as he attempts to wake the sleeping beast known as Kyoya. He had decided to wake us all up personally which landed in me punching him in the face and Honey almost murdering him. "Oh, come on. You can't just lie here in bed all morning. Today is the last day of summer vacation." Everyone except Mori and I were on the bed doing whatever they could to wake them up.

"They're gonna die," I say to Mori who nods.

"For your information, I was up until 5 am, you morons," Kyoya snaps, "Which, if you hadn't noticed, makes me a little less than happy about being woken up." They all jump back as he glares daggers into them.

"Kyo-chan isn't much of a morning person, huh?" Honey asks.

"You have no room to talk," Mori says to him.

"Hey, what does that mean?" Honey asks.

"Good thing I'm the best in the morning," I say cheerfully.

"You punched me in the face," Tamaki says. I nod laughing slightly.

"Hell yeah stop walking me up in the morning," I say, "do it again and I won't hit your face." Tamaki steps back away in fear.

"Okay, I've had enough with the commoner shtick," Kyoya says, "If you formulaic halfwits feel like wasting all afternoon on worn-out old cliches, go right ahead and suit yourselves." He falls back down into the bed as Tamaki looks at all of us.

"Well, if that's what you really want..." Tamaki says, "You heard the man. Now let's dress him to the nines and head for the expo!"

"This is a bad idea you idiots!" I say as they all rush towards the sleeping Kyoya. "And none of you are listening." 


   Once we get to the expo we are met with a large collection of pretty much everything around us. We were in shock. None of us had experienced something like this before. "Hey, everyone! Look at that!" Hikaru screams.

"Wow, all of those suits look exactly the same," Kaoru says.

"Mass production! Mass production!" They chant.

"There's something here called a pet shop. That will be our very first destination, men," Tamaki says.

"They serve ice cream on the roof top!" Honey says excitedly.

"Really? Wait, wait, wait. They're holding some super special event there too! Sweet!" Tamaki says

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" Honey chants as we start to walk through the expo. I intertwine my fingers with Hikaru's as we shuffle through the store. 

"Ooo look at that," I say as I point to the small store. It was necklaces and such. 

"You should take her," Kaoru says to his twin. Hikaru nods and pulls me into the store. They were obviously cheap but they were nice looking.

"You really want something here?" Hikaru asks. I point to the small necklace silver necklace with a rose on it. A small blue gem at the center of it.

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