Chapter Twenty Eight- We Protect Our Own

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  "The Daruma doll fell over!" Tamaki says as we slowly inch towards him, "The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! The Daruma doll fell over! I saw you move, Hikaru and Kaoru!"

 "No we didn't we didn't move!" They say standing still. 

  "I saw you I saw you!" Tamaki yells, "You know, I can't blame you for being shocked. I was unfamiliar with it myself. But it's a commoners' game. They have a wide variety. And none of them requires spending any money. All you need is a few friends to play with." I look at them and sigh as I pull my book out and take a seat under one of the trees. 

 "You're such a nerd," Hikaru teases as he sits beside me, "thats like the seventh time you've read that book."

  "Oh so now you're keeping track of how many times I read my books? Stalkerish much?" I ask.

 "Hey! I'm no Tamaki," He says defensively.

"Speaking of," I say as I look over at Tamaki as he lectures the newspaper club.

  "You need to learn friendliness. If you want to clear the negative reputation of the newspaper club and attempt to capture the hearts of your readers, you must try to be more down to earth. I can just imagine the headlines now. The handsome boys and girl of the host club enjoy commoners' games. With pictures of us frolicking in the scenery of early summer, it will be the perfect facelift for your front page and it gives you the chance to show that a certain commoner's happier now reliving his childhood here with us!" Tamaki keeps mumbling and I look back to Hikaru.

  "Those guys are shady as hell," I say to Hikaru who nods.

 "We're keeping an eye on them," He says.

 "No need," I tell him, "we have everything covered." I lay my head on his shoulder still trying to read my book.

  "He's harassing Haruhi now," Hikaru says. I look up and nod. Both of us standing up and waving Kaoru over to hop in between the newspaper kids and Haruhi.

"Chop!" The twins yell.

"Now come and get us!" We all yell.

"Hey wait! That's not where you're supposed to cut, you know!"


"Next we're playing can-keri. And you're it, okay, Kyoya?" Tamaki explains.

"If I must," Kyoya says. Tamaki runs up and kicks the can.

"Starlight Kick!!" Tamaki yells before we all scatter.

"Haruhi, come with me! Run!" Tamaki says. 

"One... two... three... four... five..." Kyoya counts, "come on guys." We all walk back to him and collect.

"These shady assholes," I groan. I take Hikaru's hand and smirk evilly. "We're on it."


 I sit in between the twins as we listen to the newspaper club down the hall. We were in their office waiting for them. "Who needs evidences? All I have to do is expose him. Everyone will see it. If I set my mind to it, I can imagine any number of articles that would cause a commotion among the idiots at this academy. I'm going to expose Tamaki for the twit he is." As he finishes the door swings open and his eyes settle on the three of us sitting on their desk with our evil grins.

"So we were right all along," Kaoru says.

"You, three," Their president huffs,

"Well, I guess it was pretty obvious," Hikaru says.

"The boss is the only one who hasn't caught on yet," Kaoru says, "He can be really dense when it pertains to anything about himself."

"I should warn you though," I tell him, "to at least make this fair. If you threaten him, there will be hell to pay." 

"Are you ready to have the Hitachiins and every other club members' family as your enemy?" Kaoru.

"I knew it. You're nothing but his lackeys. Tamaki's holding his parents' power over all of you," The president says angrily.

"That's not true," Honey says as he and Mori stand behind him, "We don't hang out with Tama-chan because of his parents. We love him. We all like being around him and that's why we choose to be here."

"He may be a hopeless idiot, but even so..." Kyoya says as they look to see him sitting on one of the many piles of old newspapers.

The memories of our entry to the club reminding us why we were fighting so hard.

"Kyoya, let's start a club together."

"Why hello there, Haninozuka senpai."

"I know this is sudden, but I was wondering if you'd join a new club I'm starting. Morinozuka senpai."

"You kids seem to have a lot of free time. If you ever get bored, you should come join our new club."

"We'd love to have you Y/n, You worked hard you deserve this."

We were fighting for what we love. This club, each other, even that goof Tamaki.

"We love him, He's our family and that means something to us," I tell him.

"Well?" Hikaru says.

"What will you do?" Kaoru says.

"I hope something sensible," I say.

"Please leave Tama-chan alone, okay?" Honey says.

"I'll get you all," He hisses, "It's not just about him anymore. I'll write an article that'll ruin all of you!"

"Go ahead. Be my guest," Kyoya says as he walks towards the first aid kit. Retrieving the disc that the recorder.  "Although, what do you think we should do about this little disk? You see, it's been here since yesterday and it recorded everything."


"Just give up already."

"Listen to your buddies," I warn him, "or you'll regret ever crossing us."

"Let me explain it to you in terms you can understand. You would do well to remember that the Otori group, L/n Family, and the Hitachiin family alone own enough stock to remove your father from his position as president of the Komatsuzawa publishing firm," Kyoya explains to the cowering boy, "However, we would never do something like that. We are not like you. What we strive for is fundamentally different."


"I found you," Kyoya says as we reach Haruhi and Tamaki in the maze of rose bushes. 

"Where's the newspaper club?"Tamaki asks.

"They had to cancel. Something came up," The twins say.

"They said they're going to focus on writing respectable articles. So maybe they'll get by without having to shut down," I tell him, "maybe." I clutch Hikaru's hand and smile.

"Oh really? That's good news," Tamaki says.

"Let's hurry back to the club room and eat some cake!" Honey says as we start to leave the maze.

"Yeah," Mori says.

"That does sound good. Cake, cake!" Tamaki cheers. 

"Mmm strawberry cake does sound nice," I mumble.

"Then lets get some for you," Hikaru says. I smirk and lean over and kiss his cheek. 

"Now you're speaking my language," I tell him. We stop and look back at the lagging behind. Kyoya and Haruhi.

"Haruhi! Hurry it up, or we're going to leave you!" Tamaki says "I would hate for you to end up lost again."

"Huh?" She groans. I chuckle and look over to Hikaru and Kaoru.

"Lets ditch these losers," I mumble. They nod. "On three we make a break for it. One.. Two... Three.... Go!" We start to sprint away to hear the others calling for us. Not a care in the world finally.

Broken Boys Like Broken Girls. // Hikaru x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang