Chapter Twenty Four- The Bunny, and The Cavity.

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   I run through the music room as  Hikaru chases behind me. "Hikaru!" I squeal quietly as we swerve around tables and people.

  "If I catch you, you're done for," He says to me. I had taken his headphones and shoved them into my shirt so he couldn't take them. This was out of revenge for him hiding my guitar from me. 

 "Empaises on 'if'" I say as I hurry through. As we inch towards the other hosts I catch Kaoru joining in on the chase. "No fair you can't get help!"

 "Give me my headphones!" He yells.

"Tell me were my guitar is!" I yell back to him. 

"No!" He yells.

"Well there you go!" I say looking back at him. I look forward and see a flash of brown before being knocked to the ground clutching my side. "Ow! That table came from no where."

"Y/n," Kaoru says in horror. I look up to see I knocked over a glass of tea, then I see the victim. It was Honey's familiar pink bunny. 

"Oh god," I sigh as Hikaru reaches me. 

"Now you've done it," Tamaki says.

"It's done, all right," Hikaru says. While I was frozen in fear. Holy fuck Honey Senpai is going to murder the shit out of us. I'm dead. Rip me. I leave all of my earthly possessions to Crona.

"But it wasn't our fault," Kaoru says.

"What? You idiots! You're the ones who bumped into it, right?" Tamaki asks.

"Only because Y/n was running away," Hikaru says.

"Because he hid my guitar!" I yell.

"And she shoved my headphones down her shirt and ran off!" Hikaru yells back.

"Can you act like mature ladies and gentlemen?" Tamaki asks, "like ever?"

"Thats mean," I say, "and I will when I get my guitar."

"Can't you use a different instrument?" Kaoru asks.

"No the quest requested a love song on guitar and Hikaru won't let me practice," I whine.

"Oh," Kaoru says, "so thats why."

"'Shut up Kaoru," Hikaru groans.

"She sings for guys everyday why is now different?" Tamaki asks.

"It doesn't matter," He groans, "can I have my headphones back?"

"My guitar?" I ask him. He rolls his eyes and points to the changing room and I nod. I reach into my bra and pull out his head phones. "Happy Holidays."

"There's no time for stuff like that right now!" Tamaki yells, "look at what you did!"

"Excuse me, we don't have any guests at the moment, so I don't mind if you make a racket, but please be careful. You don't wanna wake Honey senpai," Kyoya warns. I look over at the sleeping boy in fear.

"He's a 3rd-year. He still takes afternoon naps?" Haruhi asks, "We are gonna have to tell him about the bunny at some point. Let's just wake him up and apologize." She walks towards the boy and starts to reach him as we hop behind the couch.

"No wait! Don't get any closer to Honey senpai," Tamaki, Kaoru, Hikaru, and I say to her.

"It's safe over here," Tamaki warns her.

"What are you talking about?" Haruhi asks.

"Honey senpai wakes up in a very bad mood after napping," I tell her, "like murdery mood."

"Huh?" Haruhi asks.

"Now this may just be a rumor," Tamaki says, "But the Haninozuka family once visited a U.S. military base to give combat training. Supposedly Honey senpai slept through most of it because of his jet lag. Then, a soldier came in and carelessly tried to wake him up since he had been sleeping for so long. On that day, he wiped out two entire platoons of soldiers and not just any soldiers, Green berets! And I've heard we've had diplomatic issues with America ever since that day."

"How terrifying!" The twins mumble.

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