Chapter 33

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Sitting bolt upright in bed, Greg ran his fingers through his messy hair. His lungs heaved ragged breaths as the sense of foreboding he had felt during the night grew from a nagging to a frenzy in his chest. Was that a dream, or a replaying of reality? Haunted by the terror in Leslie's eyes and the silent cry for help on her lips, he ripped off the covers and nearly lunged out of bed. Certainly she was in trouble, and he had to go to her; inwardly he prayed that he wasn't too late.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon bathing the room in a soft rosy glow. Shoving his legs into his pants and haphazardly pulling his shirt over his head, he dashed out the bedroom door. After slipping his shoes on, he sprinted out the front door and ran like a madman down the sidewalk that led to Leslie's building.

His eyes fixed intently on her apartment. All appeared to be quiet, and he hoped with all of his being that the tranquility was a good sign, and not the contrary. The closer he watched the front windows, the more he sensed that something was out of place. What was it? For some reason he could not put his finger on, he could not figure out what was missing.

Then it hit him...the yellow, smiley face sticker was not in the window where it always was. "She would never take that down." Wanting to rush to her, he held himself back for a moment. "I have to call the police. I don't know what the situation is, and she could be in danger that I can't save her from myself."

Clawing his pocket for his cell phone and dialing the emergency number, he waited impatiently for someone to answer.

"9-1-1 what's your emergency?" An emotionless, female voice filled his ear.

"This is Greg Wyatt, and there is a woman in danger. Please send someone to 2865 Lakeport Drive apartment number 16. We need help right away!"

"What is the nature of your emergency?" The voice sounded impatient.

"Honestly, I don't know any details, but I do know that time is wasting. Send someone now!" How was it that this woman was not taking him seriously? He did his best to be civil, but was quickly losing patience with this person.

"Sir, I will send someone; the nearest officer is about twenty-five minutes away. I need you stay on the phone with me until help arrives."

That was the last straw! "Leslie may not have twenty-five minutes!" He growled into the phone. "I'm going in myself!" Angrily he hung up the phone as he walked as stealthily as possible up the steps that led to her door.

Leaning his ear against the door, he tried to hear sounds from within. Soon his effort was rewarded by the sound of a man's voice. At first the words were unclear, but the voice of the man rose to an angry pitch, and he clearly heard, "I told you never to cross me!" That exclamation was followed by a smack and a hollow thump.

There was no more time to lose. After breathing a prayer, Greg braced himself and put his body in motion.


"Well, Leslie, it's time to head out. Our cabin awaits us." A sick smile spread over Jacks face, and Leslie wondered how she had ever found him handsome the first time she had seen him. He was quickly become the ugliest, most detestable person she had ever laid eyes on.

"Don't you think we should get some breakfast first?" Leslie desperately tried to buy herself some time before she was whisked away to heaven only knew where. "Neither one of us had any dinner last night, and breakfast is the most important meal of the day." She offered him a very weak smile.

"You're right, of course, my love." He walked toward the kitchen, and began to look through the cupboards for something to eat. Finding a box of cereal, he poured two bowls and got a carton of milk from the fridge.

"Let me untie you, so you can sit and eat with me." He slipped the knife from his pocket and bent down to free her legs from the ligature. When he lifted his head to her arms, his eyes darted to the window.

Her body tensed and she felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach as he turned his rage-filled eyes on her. "What did you do?" His voice was low and frightening.

"I don't know what you mean." She tried to keep her voice calm, but could not manage to stop it from wavering.

"The blinds, Leslie! You pushed the blinds over, so someone would notice!"

She let her eyes dart over to the blinds which she had forgot to put back into their original position. They were pushed conspicuously to one side. "How could I have been so stupid?" She inwardly berated herself.

His angry voice was rising to a dangerous level as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her off the couch. Her captor's breath came in ragged angry gasps. "You thought you could get away from me so easily, well, you know better now." Taking her by her shoulders, he shook her violently. "I told you never to cross me!"

It was almost like and out-of-body experience as Leslie watched him cock his fist back and bring it full force against her face. Pain radiated through her cheek and eye, and she felt her body fall like a sack of flour to the floor.

The attack wasn't over, because through the waves of grey that were clouding her vision, she could see him bending over her. Blinking against the blackness that was trying to envelop her, she watched him kneel down with a knee on either side of her hips. Swallowing hard, she felt pure terror fill her being. He was holding something shiny over his head, and that something was poised hit her in the chest. The knife! Her breathing quickened, and she tried to pray, but her thoughts were jumbled and incoherent.

"Goodbye, Leslie." Jack bent close and whispered in her ear.

Closing her eyes as tightly as possible, she braced herself for the inevitable.

A loud crash and the sound of breaking glass shattered through her consciousness, and before she could see what or who had caused the sound, her body succumbed to a swirling, black wave of oblivion. 

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