Chapter 31

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 After taking a shower, Greg slipped his dark blue sweater over his head. Running his fingers through wet hair, he grabbed his phone off the dresser to see if he had missed any calls. His breath caught in his throat when he saw that he had a voicemail from Leslie. Longing to hear the sound of her voice, he put the phone to his ear. A stab of pain ripped through his chest when he heard her melancholy voice beg him to talk to her. The tears she was choking back were evident as her words filled his ears.

He wanted to call her more than anything; he wanted to start over. There was no way he could stop the love that had grown so strong in his heart, and honestly, he didn't want to stop it. Somehow she had become like an extension of himself, and when he heard the pain in her voice it tore him to pieces. All thoughts of the other man who had sent her flowers and even the message she had sent him vanished like a puff of smoke from his mind. Dialing her number, he held the phone to his ear; his heart beating rapidly in anticipation of hearing her voice again.

The ringing continued for what seemed like an eternity until finally her voicemail message began to play. When he heard the recording, his heart sank.

Heaving a sigh, he went out to the living room. Will and Jenna were sitting on the couch watching America's Most Wanted.  He caught a glimpse of the screen and saw the face of what he could only assume to be a criminal.  "Who's that guy?"

"Some psycho who meets women online then kills them.  What's the body count now, Will?"  Jenna turned her eyes to her husband.

"I think they said six.  Apparently he dates them, stalks them, then kidnaps them.  They have security footage of him at several gas stations with these women.  They don't know what happens, but they find the women beaten, stabbed, and dumped along busy interstates."

"Yikes! Hope they catch him sooner rather than later."  Greg shook his head.

"How's it going with you, Greg?" A look of concern spread over Will's handsome face.

"I got a voicemail from Leslie, and she seemed pretty anxious to talk with me, but when I called her back it went to voicemail. I just can't seem to make myself understand that it's really over between us."

"I don't think it is over." Jenna shook her head emphatically. "Somehow I think this will all work out for the two of you, but there is one major problem."

"What's that?" Greg gave her a questioning look.

"Right now, you are the problem. Greg, you know I love you, but I have got to say, I'm disappointed in you right now. You have met the woman you have prayed for years to find, and now you are just rolling over and playing dead when you hit an obstacle. I don't think you should turn this into an 'I Tarzan, you Jane' type of thing, but you have got to go to her.  You have to fight for her!   Let her know how deeply you care for her. Don't just give up! My gut still tells me that there is a big misunderstanding between the two of you. I think you should go over to her apartment right his minute and sweep her off her feet!"

"I think you're right." Suddenly confident, Greg grabbed his coat and headed out into the cool, evening air.

Walking briskly in the direction of Leslie's apartment, his heart beat more and more wildly with each step he took. He took the stairs two at a time, and stood in front of her door. Honestly, he had no idea what he was going to say, but he intended to bare his soul to her. There was no way he was going to leave tonight without her knowing just how much he loved her, and he would do whatever it took to win her back. After breathing a silent prayer for God's leading, he knocked on the door that separated him for the love of his life.

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