Chapter 28

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The next morning, Greg did not waste any time getting ready. Knowing that he would not be able to wait to get everything sorted out, he wanted to talk with her before he headed to work for the day. Thankfully, his crew could do much of the work without him, so he would not have to rush the conversation he and Leslie desperately needed to have.

After getting dressed, and having his Bible reading and prayer time, he took a deep breath, and left his friends' apartment. The chilly autumn wind struck him in the face as he started to make the trek to Leslie's building. Thrusting his hands in his pockets and bending his head down in an attempt to avoid the cool wind that was driving into his face, he silently prayed that this break-up would be nothing but a misunderstanding.

Just as he was approaching his destination, a sharp, knocking sound caught his attention. Looking up in the direction of the sound, he noticed that Leslie had a young man knocking at her door with a huge bouquet of red roses in one arm. Suddenly his legs became leaden, and he was unable to either walk forward or go back in the direction from which he came. The cold, penetrating wind blew strongly against his face, but he paid it no mind. Quickly his eyes darted to the parking lot where he saw a florist's van parked.

He almost stopped breathing as he watched Leslie open the door, take the flowers in her hands, and thank the delivery boy. After she had closed her door again, Greg was left standing on the pavement outside her building. He could feel his heart breaking all over again as his worst nightmare was becoming a reality. She had met someone else; someone who paid her special attention. Releasing a ragged breath, he willed his legs to take him back in the direction of his temporary home.

Tears stung behind his eyes as he walked into his bedroom and picked up his Bible. As his Bible fell open in his lap, a verse that had been both highlighted and underlined jumped off of the page as if demanding his attention. "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

"How can any of this really work out for good?" Greg's question was directed heavenward. "I was so sure that she felt the same way I did, but I have been so blind." For the first time that he could remember, he allowed himself to break down and cry. His body shook with sobs as he felt his dreams wilt and die.

Falling to his knees, he prayed, "Dear Father, I don't know why this is happening right now, but I know that I need to trust You. There is no good that I can see coming from this situation, but I don't see the big picture. Help me to find that Your grace is sufficient for me."

Eventually, he came to the realization that the only thing for him to do was stay busy and keep his mind off of Leslie. Though he knew that he would probably never love again as he loved her, he needed to keep his mind off her for the time being. Dwelling on his loss would only serve to make him bitter. What he needed most was to turn to the Lord, and not live inside his own head wallowing in self-pity.

Grabbing his keys, he braved the polar wind and climbed into his pickup. As he slowly dove past Leslie's building, he saw her darting toward the parking lot with her purse slung over her arm. She wore a look that he had never seen before, and seemed to be flagging him down with her empty arm. As much has his heart cried for him to stop and speak with her, he knew that was the very last thing to do if he ever intended to get her out of his thoughts. Offering her one quick wave, he continued out of the parking lot, and on to the construction site. Surely if he kept busy he would be able to get over her in time.


Wednesday morning, Leslie had been awakened early by Waldo whining in his kennel. After taking him out for a walk in the crisp, fall wind, she had fixed herself some pancakes and settled onto the couch to have her daily devotions. Ever since she had sent the message to Adam, she felt as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her shoulders; she was now free to continue pursuing a relationship with Greg. Breathing a prayer of thanks that things were now completely settled on that score, she took a bite of her pancakes and opened her Bible to where she had left off.

Once her reading was finished, she began to pray. About halfway through her prayer, she was startled to hear a knock at her door. "Who could that be?" The question was directed at Waldo who was sprawled out across her lap.

Padding over to the door, she slowly opened it, and found a delivery boy holding out a large bouquet of beautiful, red roses. Her breath hitched in her throat, as she felt that they must be from Greg. Thanking the delivery boy, she quickly shut the door, and set the blooms on her coffee table. Reading the small card that had been hiding in the greenery, she felt the cold, familiar hand of fear take firm grip around her heart.

"I know it's been a while, Leslie, but you don't have much longer to wait. I will make you mine very soon...I promise."

As she read over the words several times, a feeling of terror filled her chest, and her breathing came in short gasps. "I need to go to the police!"

Snatching her purse from a side table, she retrieved her keys, and nearly ran down the steps and to the parking lot. When she looked to her left, she saw Greg's pickup pulling up. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief; surely he would know what to do. Frantically, she waved her arm trying to draw his attention and get him to stop. Her heart sank as he gave her a brief wave, and continued on his course out of the complex.

She ran to her car and drove to the police station with the heavy weight of fear pressing down on her. To her dismay, Office Lawrence was on vacation that week, and she had to speak with a crabby, police woman who stood behind the counter wearing a sour expression. "What do you need?" Her terse greeting made Leslie wish she could speak with anyone else, but this woman seemed to be her only option.

Clearing her throat, she said as calmly as possible, "I just received a note and some roses from someone who has been stalking me. I've come in about this before and spoke with Officer Lawrence. He told me to stop by if anything suspicious happened." Handing the officer the small card, she waited for a response.

"I've heard about you. We have had officers stationed at your apartment more than once, and nothing has come of it. How do you know that the threat is real this time?"

"Well, I guess I don't...but I don't want to find out that the threat is real after it's too late, and I'm in a dangerous situation." Leslie was a little surprised that this woman seemed totally unconcerned about the danger she could be in.

"Let me know if you get anything more. We have our officers out dealing with real crimes right now...not imaginary ones." The woman tossed the note back in Leslie's direction and turned her back to her, ending the conversation.

Feeling completely alone, Leslie returned to her car, let her head drop to the steering wheel, and wept until she had no more tears to cry.

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