Chapter 21

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @_Jesus_Freak_. I received the most encouraging message from her last night, and it literally made my whole week!  Thank you so much for your kind words!  You keep me going :)

Leslie stayed with Greg until her shift in the emergency room began the following afternoon. While he hadn't come out of the coma yet, Leslie was encouraged that color was returning to his pale face, and his heartbeat was still strong. She absolutely hated to leave him, but was relieved when Will and Jenna arrived just as she was leaving.

"I'm so glad to see you two!" Leslie gave Jenna a warm hug. "I have to head downstairs to work, and I really didn't want to leave him alone."

"Don't you worry about him being alone! Will and I will be here with him, and we gave his mom a call. She will be coming to sit with him too if she is able." Jenna gave Leslie a reassuring smile. "You really look like you could use some sleep. Are you sure you shouldn't just go home and go to bed?"

"No, I'll be fine. I think I may have dozed off a few times." Leslie tried and failed to muffle an exhausted yawn. "I'll be back just as soon as my shift is over."

Upon arriving in the emergency room, Leslie went to the main desk to see if there was any paperwork for her to finish. Things seemed pretty slow for the time being, and considering how tired she was, she hoped everything would stay quiet.

"Leslie, I have a patient waiting to see a doctor in Exam Room A." Mrs. Blevins handed Leslie the chart. "She is complaining of chest pain. Please get her all set up; the doctor won't be able to see her for a few minutes yet."

"I'm on it." Leslie stifled a yawn.

"Land sakes alive, girl! You look like you haven't slept in ages! Do I need to send you home?"

"I will be fine Mrs. Blevins. I was able to sleep a little bit last night, and tomorrow is my day off, so there will be plenty of time to catch up then." Leslie gave the kind woman a tired smile before walking down the hall to the exam room.

Checking the chart for the patient's name, Leslie opened the door. "Good afternoon, Alice! I'm Leslie Martin, and I will be taking care of you today. I hear that you aren't feeling well. Could you tell me about your chest pain?"

A kind looking woman in her early sixties looked up at her from her position on the bed. "Of course. It started with some numbness and tingling in my arm, and this morning, I started to feel pains in my chest. It's probably nothing but stress, but my father died of a heart attack, and I didn't want to take any risks."

"You made a wise decision. It's always best to get these things checked out." Leslie patted the woman tenderly on the shoulder; she could see fear hiding behind her eyes. "You seem worried. Would you like me to pray with you before the doctor comes in?"

A wave of relief swept over the Alice's face. "I would like that so much, sweetie. Thank you!"

Leslie took Alice's trembling hands in her own and bowed her head. "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to lift Alice up to you today. We aren't sure if this chest pain is an indication of a bigger problem or not, but You already know the answers we are waiting for. Please comfort her and give her Your peace that passes all understanding. In Jesus' name, Amen.

When Leslie lifted her head, she saw that tears had filled her patient's blue eyes.

"You pray just like my son prays." The older woman squeezed her hand. "Can I ask you something?"

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