The Strange Man

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**AN: Sorry this chapter took so long! it's kind bad but ehh... PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS! I love feedback**

Chapter 3


Immediately, I feel scared. Who is this and what do they want with us? As he turns to look me in the eye, recognition slaps me in the face. I am standing, staring at Dalton, the refugee from ten who made it to district thirteen.

"Dalton?" I say in a questioning voice. "How did you...Paylor said you relocated..." I stammer.

"No time to talk Mrs. Mell-Everdeen" he says. "We need to get you to Central Stand immediately." My first thought is why is no one calling me Mrs.

Mellark? I am married to Peeta, I take his name . Answering my question, Peeta whispers in my ear,"The Capitol would not allow us to marry if you took the name. They want their original Mockingjay"

Of course they do, so they can use me whenever want to. The thought makes me shudder. Paylor wouldn't use me... right? But I do not know the answer to this, and it makes me scared.

Eventually we arrive at the Central Stand, a tall building that is the hub for transporting people and goods around Panem. It also has a government section, that is closed to the public.

"This way please," he says.

But I do not move.

"No," I say. "I am not going anywhere until you tell me how you got this job and what's going on."

"Katniss lets just co-" interjects Peeta, but I have more to say. "I will not follow you, Dalton, to some strange location to tell us something we probably DON'T NEED TO KNOW! I am no longer their Mockingjay. They needed a face of the rebellion. I am NOT A POLITICAL FACE THAT THEY CAN USE!" Dalton stares at me in surprise, then hurriedly rushes me into a house next to the Central Stand.

I am fuming. Now the Capitol knows how I feel. They have not built a safer Panem. If people want to rebel, I will join them.

"Katniss, I don't work for Paylor," he says with disgust. "Listen," he says in a hushed voice. "Don't play the way they want you to, find the rebels, save Panem."

Then, he walked away.

"Wait!" I yell into the distance.

What does this mean?

I don't understand.

There are so many questions I want to ask, but Dalton is gone.

"Katniss lets just go," says Peeta. "Rose and Isaac are waiting for us at home."

I slowly nod, but I am shaking.

Peeta leads me home, but I cannot speak The memories are flooding back. The Capitol, Snow, Prim, Gale...

I did not notice I was curled up in a ball, and Peeta is attempting to coax me out of it. I look up to see many people peeping out their windows to get a look at the damaged Katniss Everdeen. But I am not a show, so I stand up and march toward the house. As I am approaching the house, I see a bundle of white roses on the steps. my vision starts to go black around the edges.

Then, I black out.

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