Chapter 28

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I used to wonder how long it would take me to loose my mind. But after house arrest with Johanna, I've pretty much figured it out. 

"Six days," I mutter over my oatmeal. 

"Huh?" Peeta says from the stove. 

I brush it off. "Nothing."

He shrugs and continues to cook oatmeal in silence. Johanna stumbles into the room, dressed in my clothes.  

I see my handmade bunny slippers on her feet, a gift from mom. 

"Man, Katniss" she yawns. "I know you only clothes shop from petty district 12 stores, but these pajamas are amazing," she gives herself a hug. 

Seeing a threatening scowl on my face, Peeta suggests Johanna go take a shower. She shrugs, "Hope you've got color safe shampoo."

As soon as  hear the trickle of water from up above me I turn to Peeta. 

"I can't do this anymore," I say quickly, rapidly tapping my fingers on the desk. He stares at me wide eyed, then nods. 

"Couped up in the house, and with her I can't anymore. I need to leave,"

He chuckles. "I know, Katniss. You haven't done anything risky in days. Must be eating away at you on the inside." 

An argument rises in my head, but  I hold back. Peeta holds a completely valid point. Ever since the games, I have been an adrenaline junkie. 

A week never goes by without me hunting in the woods, or training like a professional athlete. I can't help myself, it helps me cope. 

"I need need to go outside, Peeta." 

He sighs, running his fingers through his hair. 

"But we can't, Katniss. You know that, right?"

 I nod, and return to the study. All day I read, because nothing can be done besides reading or staring into space. 

At night, I slip out of the bedroom and downstairs. If I slip out the back door for a jog, who would notice? I clad myself in black hunting attire and make way for the door. When I finally slip it open, a sleek black box lays on the step. Smiling to myself, I hope it's the dress I ordered for Rose. 

I tip toe back into the kitchen and rip open the box. Mounds of tissue paper cover a present inside. On top of the box lays a small square of paper with a note. 

Home is where the heart is-- can't wait to see you there. 


Desperately, I tear open the paper. Inside it's full of pictures. Pictures of me, at home. Spanning from at least ten years ago to today. 

Gales been watching me, forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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