Chapter 20

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"Any essssssssentials you need should be in the cabinet," Hissed Tigris.

I thanked her quietly and covered back up our hiding place. Rose is nestled in a blanket of furs, chattering her teeth slightly. The winter cold flushes her cheeks a bright red.

When she sees me looking, she immediately straightens up and stops chattering.

I see so much of me in Rose. I have come to terms with my mother, but never wanted to show a weakness to her. I never wanted her comfort.

Rose and I are headed toward that relationship. I worry that it is too late. Sure, she loves me. But is it too late to salvage our mother-daughter relationship?

I sidle over to Rose, very conscious of how she is analyzing my every move. Picking apart my expression, reading between the lines of the story I write as I walk. She analyzes me with a deep sincerity I never possessed. She inherits that from Peeta.

I muster the only thing can say.

"You all good?," I blurt out abruptly.

"Yeah mum," she reports.

In the opposite corner, a pile of furs snorts with laughter. Johanna appears in them.

"Wow, I'm feeling the love," she guffaws.

"Bite it," i spit at her.

"For gods sake, shes freezing! Give her some warmth!" Johanna smirks at me.

"That's what I was going to do," I contradict.

"Yeah, sure," she says in a sarcastic tone.

I want to stick my tongue out like a toddler, but resist.

Rose moves over in the furs so I can muzzle up with her. Soon after, she drifts away. We lie together, helplessly entangled in the furs. I plant a soft kiss on her forehead and murmur a form of goodnight in her ear.

"Say it," a voice in my head whispers. The voice sounds just like Johanna, mocking me. Great, my conscience sounds like Johanna. Screw Gale, this is a real issue.

"Say what?" I ask the voice.

"God, your thick," fake Johanna insults.

"Hey! My conscience cant insult me!" I protest.

A hard slap hits me in the face. Johanna's amused face pops up in front of me.

"I'm not your conscience, diphthong." she says.

My face goes tomato red. Johanna must have walked over here and didn't notice.

"Say you love her," she says.

"She already knows I love her," I respond.

"Sometimes it's nice to hear it," Johanna whispers. "You never know if that will be your last opportunity."

I stare into Johanna's blazing eyes. Under the rage, burns loss, loneliness, a cry for love. I give her a weak smile. Johanna has become my friend over the years. We are alike in many ways, and I cannot bear to see her hurt.

"With all the issues right now, just let her know you love her."

"Okay," I say. Johanna walks back to her furs and I stare at Rose. She is so peaceful, so I whisper it so quietly it's almost inaudible.

I love you


SORRY THIS IS SHORT I AM VERY BUSY WITH MY STUDIES! Please share this story! Comment any feedback. TYSM FOR READING!!!!!

I am working on new stuff!!!! XD

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