the stage with marionette

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After your day in high school, you first failed in math due to the nightmare you had that morning, you heard your phone making a ringtone "who could it be it's a unknown number" you said, some text says you're invited to the stage with the popular singer marionette and he's gonna sing lean on, your jaw dropped and was so excited! because you're gonna met fenwick in his singer form and you're also will get MONEY if you act really good and everyone knows that you are a good actor SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! GO DO IT!!!

[ 2 hours later ]

After all of that training you're finally ready to be on the roll, dressing up for the show and meeting him... oh boy he's even more nice looking than his 'normal' self,

[ 6 minutes later ]

After you danced and sang with marionette you gained 129! WOAH!!! Now people will remember that you were with marionette and you will gain more money AND popularity :3

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