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Ah another day and it's not school time well you felt bored, you get your phone out and checking some games, nothing even new but then someone texted you, it was a unknown number then it send you a picture of Fenwick chilling, "hey what's up fenwick" you said then he replied with "good as always darling" you blushed and laughed "how did you get my number?" You said "someone gave your number to me" said fenwick "gtg fenwick bye :3", as you were going to the shop to get some food you see some lights behind you, so you turned around to see two masked men in their car you started running

They are catching up! And you tripped on a tree root, almost twisting your leg but the masked men got you anyway you were struggling as the men ties you with rope, then you heard a familiar voice "Y/N!!!" Fenwick runs towards the van and hides himself,

[ 9 minutes later ]

the men ties you in the chair and gaged you with duct-tape as they called your family demanding for a ransom as a spikey hair comes out the shadows, fenwick jumps out and karate chops the man! and when the other man tries fleeing away fenwick pulls out a knife and throws it on the man's chest and dies, fenwick quickly unties you and grabbed his hand, oh boy you were so lucky! You hugged fenwick when you came home he also hugged back "thank you fenwick" said you "no problem Y/N" said fenwick with a smile on his face, as he disappears into the darkness you forgot to tell him that he turned into a singer but welp next time

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