fenwick has a double life?!

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After you finished math i guess back home, HEY Y/N! You turn around to see fenwick dash towards to you, first how did he know your name?! Well maybe a rumour about you selling bark leafs but that ain't true "do you know the singer named Marionette" well you do of course and you said that his songs are better "i know right? He has the best vocal chords i ever heard sounds like bts"fenwick said you began to feel cold as the air gets cold but you didn't bring a jacket, fenwick notices it and gives his jacket to you, you didn't said thank you to fenwick cuz you were too cold " don't worry Y/N I'm fine in the winter" said fenwick as he laughed, you went at your house looking down at fenwick but then something happen fenwick turned into marionette!, the famous singer your jaw was dropped as he runs towards the concert making a new song, you couldn't believe it as you didn't sleep, two hours later you slept well atleast you saw him change and now you think he has a double life between a school popular boy and a famous singer, oh well goodnight believer

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