Part 10

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-Your POV-

I walked out of the door without saying any thing. Without saying goodbye... to my best friend... it's better this way considerating he has a life of his own, and he needs to focus on his dreams more than on me. I had a good run, and it was nice to finally see Yoongi again. But everything comes to an end as it seems. Even the simplest things can get torn away from you... I'll never know what Yoongi felt after he found out I left... but I'd rather not know.... I didn't leave without writing him a note though.
It told him about my school and how I had to go quickly... hopefully I'll see Yoongi again... but until then... I will be a doctor against my will. My parents have never wanted me to be with Yoongi. They always said he was a bad influence... but he's the only one that has ever really cared about me during school and during life challenges such as... losing my grandma. And I was also there for him when he needed me. We were the best. The two of us against the world. And it's like my parents just took my soul out of my body and filled it up with the perfect daughter they've never had...

-Yoongi's POV-

I wake up to find no one with me. I got up to think to myself, she probably went to the bathroom or something. So I sat there and waited for her to walk back into my room with her beautiful smile. After a while of waiting I took out my phone and looked on social media just browsing and waiting for (y/n) to come back.
An hour past and still no (y/n). I started getting worried so I got up and looked around the house for her. I started to panic when I realized she wasn't even in my house. She left... and I almost started to cry until I saw a price of paper on the table.

To Yoongi,
I know you might be mad at me... I would understand why... I feel so bad for leaving you like this, but my dad texted me in the middle of the night saying my school was opening tommarrow... I'd love to stay Yoongi... I really would. But I have to do this... I didn't want to tell you this directly because I don't want you to see me in tears more than you already have... I appreciate all you've done for me... but.... after this, I don't think I'll ever be as good as a friend as you were do me ever since 7th grade... And I'll give you your ring back... I don't deserve it... I'm not a good friend to you...

Reading this made me want to fall over and not get up. I look beside the note revealing my ruby ring I gave my best friend during my leave to BigHit. We made a promise to give back our treasures when we saw each other again... later we saw each other and kept it for remembering... (y/n).... she's not the one doing this... she can't be!
Quickly I got dressed and ran out the door screaming (y/n)'s name. Of course I got no response.....
I then ran to the closes friend I had at that moment... and that was Hoseok. I knocked on his door and it revealed a very sleepy Hoseok.
"Why are you up this early?"
He asked as I tried to tell him but words wouldn't come out. Instead I started to cry.

 Instead I started to cry

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"Woah, woah... what's wrong Yoongi?"
Hoseok asked as I finally handed him the note (y/n) made me.
Hoseok read over it and as soon as he was done he hugged me and let me cry on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry Yoongi..."
He said.
"I didn't even get to confess to her... now she'll never know how I felt..."
I cried.

-Your POV-

Walking down the road towards the airport I was stopped by a familiar voice.
I heard as I looked back revealing Taehyung.
Without even thinking I began to cry as Taehyung saw me and brought me into a hug.
"Jesus (y/n), what's wrong?" He asked as I looked up and we sat down on a bench. I explained everything that happened... Taehyung nodded through most of it but he also looked at me sadly. After I was done I apologized for being a bad friend and leaving them all of a sudden.
"(Y/n)... Why couldn't you at least Tell Yoongi..."
He asked as I looked up tears running down my face.
"I don't wanna see him sad Tae.... He deserves better than me..."
I said as Taehyung put his arm around me. "That's not true... your one of the best things that has happened to Yoongi."
He said making me sigh.
"I doubt that... besides he has you guys... And I'm sure he'll forget me..."
I said making Taehyung chuckle.
"You don't know Yoongi at all."
He said.
"He complained about how much he missed you ever since he left. Why and how could he forget you."
He asked making me silent.
Before I could answer I got another message from my dad saying I need to hurry.
Taehyung then grabbed my hand and let me in.
"I'll drive you to the airport. But when you get there... I want you to call Yoongi."
He said as I nodded.
He then began to drive me towards the airport.

-Yoongi' s POV-

"Why do you think (y/n) left?"
Hoseok asked as I looked down.
"Well... like she said in the note. Her school opened early and her parents told her to come home..."
I said as Hoseok sighed.
"You do know that (y/n) doesn't want to be a doctor right?"
He asked making me look at him.
I asked.
"Yah, she told me she wanted to be a song writer like you, but her parents are making her be a doctor. She didn't tell you because she thought you'd say something to her parents..."
He said as I stood up.
"I would say something to her parents. And that's what I'm going to do right now!"
I said as Hoseok looked at me confused.
"I'm going to that airport, and I'm going to her hometown to talk some sense into her idiotic parents! She deserves better! I'm taking her back! And I will tell her about my attraction!"
I said as Hoseok smiled and patted me on the back.
"Might wanna hurry. The plane leaves in half an hour."
He said as I nodded and we both went into his car and he drove me to the airport.

-Third Person-

Both you and Yoongi were going to the same place. Taehyung gave you a hug as he watched you walk away. And Hoseok did the same for Yoongi. Tommarrow was the first day of your school... but was also the day Yoongi had a talk with your parents...

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