Part 5

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-Third Person-

You and the guys went to a scene that BigHit employee's wanted to take pictures at. It was also the same day they were doing the music video shoot for I need U.
Yoongi was still getting ready which left you with the other boys.

-Your POV-

"What's taking loverboy so long?"
Namjoon asked as Jungkook shrugged.
"I don't know. But someone might want to go check on him. Hyung doesn't usually take this long."
And after Jungkook said that, they all looked at me.
"Me?! No no no! I'm not going in there!"
I said as Jimin smirked.
"Well why not?"
He asked.
"What if he's still changing!?"
I said as Jimin chuckled and Taehyung walked up to us.
"I doubt it, he changed the same time I did."
He said with a smile.
"It shouldn't matter anyway, aren't you two dating?"
Jungkook asked making me blush.
"When did I say that?!?!"
I said as they all laughed.
"I was just thinking that way because seeing you two hold hands.... you kind of get the point."
Jungkook said with a smile.
"Why were you holding his hand anyway?"
Jimin asked.
I shrugged.
"I don't know, he took my hand first so held his too."
I said as Namjoon face palmed.
"He still hasn't told you has he?"
He asked as I looked at him confused.
"Tell me what?"
I asked as Jungkook held his hand over Namjoon's mouth.
"You should wait hyung. Yoongi would be mad if you told her. Especially since he want to tell her."
Jungkook said.
He then took his hand off of Namjoon and walked over to me.
"You should go check on Yoongi. He's be happier to see you more than any of us."
He said.
"But what if-"
I started to say until Taehyung interrupted.
"(Y/N) it'll be fine. I'm sure he's just still getting his makeup done. Either than or he's doing something, looking over the song maybe?"
He said as I nodded.
I said as I walked into Yoongi's dressing room. At first I couldn't see him anywhere. All I saw was what he wore coming to BigHit. But when I looked at his mirror i saw pictures taped on the rim of the mirror.
It was pictures of us in school. And he had the first picture I ever took with him on there. When I went closer one of the pictures fell off and it was one of me that he took while we went to an amusement park on a school field trip.
I turned it around and saw that it said "Noona❤" on it.
I then taped it back on and then looked at all of the other pictures.
Then all of a sudden I heard a piano play. Yep, that was defenantly Yoongi. It sounded like he was playing I need U. I walked tawords the sound and to my surprise I saw Yoongi playing the piano but he didn't look happy.
Instead he looked a little depressed.
I then went up to him and tapped him on the shoulder. He jumped and then smiled when he saw it was just me.
"You ok Yoongi?"
I asked as he stayed silent and looked down.
"What's wrong?"
I asked again.
He then sighed.
"I will tell you.... just not now. I will though, I promise."
He said.
I then sat next to him as he turned to look at his piano.
"What do you mean you can't tell me? You can tell me anything Yoongi."
I said. And after I said that he put his hand on mine again and smiled.
"Just wait, you'll know. I'll tell you later when it's better time."
He said as I nodded.
"Ok, other than that are you ok?"
I asked as he nodded.
"Yah, but we should probably go with the guys to produce the music video."
He said as I nodded with a smile.
He then got up and held out his hand for me.
I took it and we walked out of his dressing room. And waiting there was Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung.
"Oh she brought back hyung!"
Jungkook said as Yoongi sighed.
Jimin then looked at us again holding hands.
"Hey (Y/N) your doing it again."
He said pointing at me and Yoongi's hands. And after Yoongi looked at what Jimin was pointing at he blushed and let go also looking away.
"Awww hyung is flustered."
Jungkook said as Yoongi death glared at him.
"Kookie no."
He said.
Namjoon then smirked at us and then I heard someone call for BTS, and we walked to the music video shoot.
Time passed and they were done with the music video. Now they just needed to finish the photo shoot.
It was going well until it was Yoongi's turn.
He couldn't stop smiling and chuckling. Jungkook stayed with me as we watched Yoongi try to calm down.
"Poor hyung can't think straight."
Jungkook said as I looked at him.
"I wonder why?"
I said as Jungkook looked at me and then back at Yoongi.
Maybe it's what he said he couldn't tell me.
All of a sudden Namjoon went up to Yoongi and talked to him for a second.
"Just think about something else other than what your thinking about right now."
Namjoon said as Taehyung chuckled.
"Yah stop thinking about (Y/N)!"
He laughed as I blushed.
I said as Yoongi looked at Taehyung evily.
"I wasn't thinking about her!"
He said as Taehyung chuckled again.
"Yah, sure you weren't."
He said.
Yoongi almost went up to him until Jungkook went up there and pulled Yoongi away from Taehyung.
"Hyung calm down, it's ok."
He said as Yoongi went back to his spot he was going to be shot at for the photo shoot.
"That'll make him concentrate."
Taehyung said walking to me with a smirk.
"You did that on purpose so he would concentrate?"
I asked as he nodded.
"Yah he's really protective over talking about you, so he'll get really serious if we even mention you."
He said as I chuckled.
"What why?"
I asked as he smirked again.
"I can't tell you that. But look at how the picture came out."
He said pointing at the computer they uploaded the picture to.

After looking at it Yoongi came over to me, Jungkook, and Taehyung

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After looking at it Yoongi came over to me, Jungkook, and Taehyung.
He looked at them and then sighed.
"I could have done better."
He said as I looked at him.
"I think you look cute."
I said as he smiled and looked away.
"Awwww hyung, are you embarrassed."
Jungkook asked as he shook his head.
Taehyung and Jungkook then chuckled together as Namjoon came over.
"Hey guys, good job out there. Listen we've had a hard day. How about we go home today and celebrate tommorrow."
Namjoon said as Jimin came over and smiled.
"Yay! Thanks Namjoon."
He said happily.
Namjoon went over to Yoongi.
"Good job out there man."
He said patting his back.
He said slightly blushing.
After that me and Yoongi packed our things and started walking to his house.

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