Chapter Seven

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The plane ride seemed to take forever, and you think I would be sick of waiting to arrive after a while. But no. I'm used to waiting for things, Harper coming home, for food, even for the day to just be over. But the Opes kids, not doing as well.

"When are we going to get there?" I hear the girl from State 43 whine to her guardian. I scoff, but don't intervene. I hear her guardian mutter something inaudible.

I look out the window, but there are no more clouds. The sky is clear, so I look down.

Below me, the world is small. I see large cities, where the buildings are shiny and new, then they change to crumbling skyscrapers with dirt-covered windows. I can tell which part of the city is Opes and which is Paupertas.

"Kat, do you know what state we're in?" I ask her, the city disappearing to be replaced by open land.

"I don't, but the flight attendants will be out soon and we can ask them." she looks at me with a smile. I stare at her blankly.

"What's a flight attendant?" I ask, and I hear the boy snicker behind me.

"You really don't know anything,do you?" he asks. Kat turns and opens her mouth, but I hold up my hand to stop her.

"I know plenty." I say, looking at the boy. He snorts.

"Do you know what a computer is?" he asks. I rack my brain, but the word "computer" doesn't ring a bell.

"Of course." I lie. He smirks.

"Can you remind me what it is?" he asks. I sit there, frozen.

"Uh, a computer is... uh, I know this, um,"

"Ha!" he laughs, and holds his stomach. "I told you, you don't know anything!" anger bubbles inside of me, but a plan hatches in my mind.

"Do you know what milking is?" I ask, a smile on my face. He looks at me blankly, then shakes his head.

"Of course I do." I smirk.

"Can you remind me what it is?" I ask, and I smile wider as he struggles to think of the answer.

"Ha! I guess both of us don't know anything." he looks down, and my smile is lost. "Hey, the only reason we don't know anything of each other's lifestyle is because of our difference in lifestyles."

He looks up, and I think I see a small smile.

I wake up with Kat shaking my shoulder. I sniff, and look at her.

"What is it?" I ask groggily.

"The flight attendants are coming, they're going to ask you if you want anything to drink." she says. I rub the sleep out of my eyes. A lady in a blue pencil skirt, blue suit, and scarf pulls a cart next to our seats.

"Hello, I'm Mindy. Can I get you something to drink?" she asks. I look at Kat, who's smiling broadly at the Mindy.

"Yes, can I just have a glass of water?"

"With or without ice?"

"With ice, please." Kat says. Mindy takes a cup and opens a compartment in the cart. She fills a scoop with ice and fills up the cup, and then pours water in it. Kat turns a switch on the back of the seat in front of her, then pulls down a make shift table.

"Here you are." Mindy says, handing Kat the water.

"Thank you." Kat says and puts the glass on the table. Mindy turns to me.

Listed: Book One of The Listed TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now