Chapter One

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I open my eyes, staring at the mildew covered wooden ceiling above me. I smile, listening to the sound of my sister's soft snores on the other side of the room. I stay quiet so that I don't wake her, and look out of the small square in the wall to watch the village wake up.

I smile when I see Mrs. Dobbs put out some free samples to attract customers to the bakery, and I can smell their sweet scent from here. Chocolate chip cookies, and I can only dream about what they taste like. My stomach growls, but I ignore the sound. I watch as the wealthier, cleaner kids run into the bakery, their hands gripping sacks full of money. I sigh, wishing that were me.

Mr. Hawkins turns the open sign on his clothing store, but no one ventures inside quite yet.

I watch the small candles being blown out in the windows of all the homes, and then I join in and blow out mine. I watch as people slowly come out of their homes, venturing the stores and streets as I hear Harper yawn.

"Morning Ath," she says through a yawn.

"Morning, Harper," I say, still looking out the window, watching the village awaken.

"Still looking out of that old window?" she asks while walking over. I watch the government officers come out of their large, gray building. I look into her icy blue eyes, and excitement is in them.

"Yes." I say, and she sighs.

"Come on, you know what day it is, I know what day it is, so why not just celebrate right now?" she asks with a small smile. I smile broadly, and begin to bounce up and down on my hard mattress.

"Yes! Yes! Of course we should celebrate now!" I yell, and jump into her arms. She embraces me, and I embrace her, and then she whispers something into my ear.

"Happy birthday, Ath!" I smile, and then she lets go of me.

"Do you know what year this is?" I ask, even more excitement bubbling inside of me.

"What day is it?" she asks while walking into the kitchen. I run in to meet her at the small wooden table in the center of the room.

"It's my eleventh birthday!" I squeal. She smiles, and then looks down.

"So you can be Listed now." she mumbles.

"I know, isn't that exciting?" I say, breathing heavily from holding in all of my energy. Instead of replying, she just nods. "What's wrong?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. She shakes her head, then smiles at me.

"Nothing." she says. I frown.

"Are you sure?" I ask worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't want you to get your hopes up, no eleven-year-old has been Listed before." she says. I stare at her before she clears her throat. "Here, have a special birthday breakfast." she says, handing me a slice of ham the size of my fist.

"Wow, where did you get this?" I ask in disbelief. She chuckles.

"Working at the diner has its perks." she says, winking at me. I smile, and dig in, ripping off strand after strand with my fingers. The ham is incredibly juicy, and I savor every strand. When I'm done, Harper puts on her diner apron.

"Do you have to go?" I ask pleadingly, even though I know she has to. She looks at me like I know nothing, then chuckles.

"Of course I have to, Ath. How else could I get food on the table?" she asks, both of us knowing the answer. I run up to her and hug her tight.

"See you tonight." I whisper while she strokes my hair.

"See you tonight." she says. I look her in the eyes, and she kisses me on the forehead. I watch her walk outside, and look as she shows an officer her employee ID, and then the officer opens the gate to let her through. She walks into the wealthier side of town, where people own shops and have money. Harper only gets paid six dollars a week, but we manage.

Listed: Book One of The Listed TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now