Chapter Five

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 "Hello, Athena Duncan, where are you?" I start to breathe heavily, and keep repeating in my head that this is an honor. I look at Marco, and his eyes have panic written on them.

"Marco," I begin. He grips my shoulders tightly.

"Don't go, Ath, don't go." he whispers urgently. Shock goes through me.

"Why?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes.

"I, I," he begins, but he looks around at all of the people staring at us, and panic sweeps through him.

"Athena Duncan?" Salandra asks, and a path forms for me. I look at the path, and see that it leads directly to the stage, and Salandra sees me. "Ah, there you are!" she says excitedly.

"Just, be aware of everything. Be careful." are his last words before he lets me go.

I swallow, and walk silently through the tunnel. I look at the people surrounding me. I see that some people's faces are angry, some looking in shock, others have jealousy written on them. I begin to sweat, knowing that all of State 42 is watching me right now. 

I find the stairs, and climb them slowly, unsure of every step I take. When I finally reach the stage, Salandra takes my hand. She guides me towards the microphone, and I look for Marco, but he is nowhere to be found. 

"Now, sweetie," I grimace at the word "sweetie", I've always hated being called things like that. "Why don't you tell us how old you are?" Salandra's sweet, high voice says. She steps aside, and I lean in towards the microphone.

"Eleven." I say meekly. I hear murmurs ripple through the crowd.

"Eleven, is that what I heard?" Salandra asks. I take in a deep breath, Marco's words playing over and over in my head, Be careful. 

"Yes." I reply. Gasps accompany my words, and I begin to feel uneasy.

"Wel, it looks as though we have our first eleven-year-old ever to be Listed!" she begins to clap, and more reluctant applause follows. "So, how do you feel?" she asks with a smile. I swallow. Should I say what's really on my mind?

"I'm very excited." I say, deciding against it. 

"Well, who wouldn't be? What an honor, isn't it, everyone?" she says, looking at the crowd. Few people applaud, and I know that no one likes me. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they hate me. Salandra clears her throat. "Well, come with me, Athena, and I'll take you to the government headquarters!" she says, looking me in the eyes. 

I feel like my entire body is made of stone as we walk down the side steps together. I look desperately for Marco, but then Salandra shoves me into a van, and closes the door.

The van seats are made out of black leather, and I've never felt something so squishy in my life. I sink into the seats, and then I look out the windows to see that they're black. I frown, and see a blue arrow on it. I tap the arrow with my finger, and the image changes to a seaside view. I gasp, and tap the arrow again. Now I see a coral reef. Then a forest, then the sky, then fields. I tap the arrow again, and the window becomes transparent. I see that we've left the stage behind us, and now we're on a road next to a large field. All I can see is a blur of gold, and I see people going by.

"Where are we going?" I ask. I tear my eyes away from the window to look at Salandra, who's driving the van. It takes her a while to reply.

"We're going to a secret government airport." she says without looking at me.

"Airport?" I ask, confused. She sighs.

"I'll explain everything on the plane." she says. After that I'm silent.

Listed: Book One of The Listed TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now