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Almost three hundred years ago, the government took control. They found that no adults would join them, knowing that they would be met with a terrible fate full of tests, torture, and pain. But the children didn't know that. They didn't pay attention to politics, or the government. Instead, they enjoyed their days while the adults did the worrying for them. So the government got an idea. They thought of the innocent, unknowing children. They then started the Listing. Every year, the government would make the List. It would consist of fifty children, ages eleven to nineteen, to join the government. They would force them to do grueling tasks, and if they did not complete one, they would be shot on the spot. But the children didn't know this, and government officers came to the towns all over the country to make sure that no adult would tell the children. If the adults told the children, then they would be killed. Then the child would either be killed, or under extreme surveillance. In this way, the government continued to grow, but so did their power and their greed. This is the story of a Listing. The story of a girl whose mother died, whose father went on a business trip to State 31 and never returned. This is to show the people how life was, and how it will never be the same. This is my story.

Listed: Book One of The Listed TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now