La Maison des Arts

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"That's strange thank God it's not
bird poop. "

"I agree now where's my spare tissues? "

Then another splash of red paint dropped in the ground almost hitting Emily's favorite boot.

"That would let to terrible consequences if someone will mess up my boot! "

Both tilted they're heads up and find a thin blond man. His shirt, hands and pants are filled with paint even with an apron he was the messiest painter that Emily ever found.

"Sorry!  Didn't mean it though. My what lovely mademoiselles do we have here I'm sorry to such cause you disturbance in your time. "

He went down at the ladder and wiped his hands clean still paint was still in there. He offered his handshake but almost didn't but they both accepted anyway.

"I don't mind about the paint. I'm Amanda and this is my friend Emily."

"Tyler is the name. "

Amanda was a little bit mad but she accepted his apology. He looked amazing even with paint but he somewhat looked familiar maybe there was just too much blonde people in London and he wasn't David for sure since he got blue eyes and David is surely doing his job right now.

"Me and my pals are painting on the billboard right now. It was a dare from another group of friends but we never lose a bit before."

"What are you painting? " asked Amanda.

"Honestly I have no idea our leader are still break with the others and I was just tasked to paint this side with red and blue stripes. "

"I think it's the American flag that, kinda looked like reaching the English flag maybe like a handshake then maybe those sketches are for the president and for the queen to be paint? " said Emily.

"You're absolutely right I can't believe I forgot about it though. "

"Do want some help? " asked Amanda which made Emily whispered why.

"Come on it'll be fun and I got to know you have some killer exquisite sketches in your pad then I had join a art club three years ago. "

"You only saw my doodles but I'm sure Mr. Tyler will not be needing our help. "

"Oh no please where's the fun and we got spare ladders and brushes too." He smirked and grabbed off the supplies.

"Really you would mind? "

"Why would I turn over a woman's offer and yes as an apology of the whole paint hair thing. "

"Great thanks Mr. Tyler! "

"Just Tyler love. "

"Okay but I'm not love."

"Whatever suits you."

Luckily there was some spare clean apron of course they have to be be careful not to spill paint or splash their outfits. Especially the goddamit boots, these where not the ones the David Bowie wore on the movie and she did have the exact replica too but these were her babies and even named them Red and Blue like the door keepers.

Tyler's friends didn't come back since there was a sudden change but they told tyler to stop if he want but oh no there's ladies and he's in.

It turn out great there was Queen Elizabeth waving and facing towards the U. S. President Obama. Then the flags were in the middle like ribbons handing a shake with the whole background as London and the States being mashed that was both the girls idea.

"Great job you two! Couldn't have done it without you."

"That was fun Tyler thanks! " said Emily in a glee

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