Chapter 10

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Hours later we were off. I had forced everyone to eat a lot of the food that wouldn't last very long, though it didn't take a lot of forcing. Jack and Kara didn't eat much of it of course. I had Alex go out and help them hunt a rabbit or something while Bri and I finished packing. He obviously didn't want to but surprisingly he didn't really out up much of an argument when I asked him. Well now the five of us were out in the woods, it was past noon by now and everyone carried a bag or sheet tied together like a bag of food, clothes, or water. Bri, Alex, and I ran on four paws holding the bags in our mouths while Jack and Kara sprinted at the same pace. How long would we be able to run. Werewolves and vampires could cover great distances if they wanted to. And before I knew it the sun was beginning to set. The woods had thinned out slightly leaving us on a field with the lights of town in the distance. There was a road ahead with another gas station there.  

"Would it hurt if we used the bathrooms there?" Jack muttered. I huffed in response and glanced at him.  

"Gas station restrooms" Kara asked, sounding disgusted.  

"It's better than the trees" Bri added as she phased into a human.  

"Ok fine, small pit stop and then we continue on" I announced.  

"I'm staying out here" Alex said, still as a wolf. He sat against a large tree and glanced at us.  

"Suit yourself" I said and then phased back to two legs. Bri, Kara, Jack, and I walked over to the gas station. There was only one rusty pickup truck parked outside and the neon green sign flickered slightly.  

"Charming place" Jack muttered. 

He pulled the door open to find the small store empty. Not even a sales person stood inside. Bri, Kara, and Jack made bee-lines for the bathroom doors while I hung back for a while. Outside it was getting darker, the sun was already setting over the horizon. The moon was coming up. I chuckled at something Collen would tell me when I was a lot younger about the sun and the moon chasing each other through the sky. I glanced at the full moon for a moment, enjoying the silence. 

Full moon... 

Oh god.  

How could I have missed that? Lycans were dangerous, those are the people that humans would usually call werewolves. But no, we're totally different. Lycans only phase durring a full moon and they have no control whatsoever of what they do. They are savage bloodthirsty monsters and who knows, you might even know one without even knowing it. But werewolves, we can phase in and out whenever we want. Also I really hate that rounor that werewolves lose their clothes when they phase. No, they just fade and get replaced by due. Don't ask me, I'm not an expert. 

But now we will have to be extra careful of what we do. A sudden crashing sound jarred me from my thoughts I rolled my eyes thinking of Jack knocking a display case or something over. I walked towards the edge of the cashier counter. There was a back room with the door left slightly ajar. A sunned howl pierced the air causing me to jump back.  

"Oh shoot" I snarled just before the door flew off of it's hinge. There in the doorway stood a tall lycan with grey and white patchy fur covering it's body. I could just barely tell it was a male by its size. The face was eerily humanoid with a snout and curved, yellowed fangs. The lycan stood on its powerful back legs and snarled at me. Now Lycans don't particularity like werewolves, maybe their jealous, I don't know the exact reason. But like an idiot I phased into a snarling sliver wolf, resulting in more angry snarls from the lycan. It lunged over the counter towards me and I jumped aside to dodge it. This room though was only so big I could Barry move around enough.  

"Silver what the hell are you doing?" Jack yelled as he opened the door from the men's bathroom.  

"Kinda busy at the moment" I yelled at him. Kara and Bri came running out of the other bathrooms. I felt the lycan's long claws score my cheek. The beast turned and snarled at Jack who jumped out of the way just in time to avoid the lycan's charge. It ran straight into a display rack of candy. Wrapped candy bars rained from the boxes and flew over the floor.  

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