Chapter Ten

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I hate myself. More than I hate Daedran, more than I hate whoever dragged to these deep, dark corners in my mind. 

I betrayed my friend.  

The only person who Arrietta trusted, and I lied to her, this whole journey was meant to be my revenge, to get back at Arrietta. What was so terrible that Arrietta did? She lied to me, hid her thoughts from mine. I am as cruel, demonic, and wicked as Daedran. I deserve to go back to my torture, to my Midnight Madness. Forever trapped. I have become an evil specimen. Some sort of Daedranna, per say.

I begin the long trek up the hill. Away from the dreaded train tracks. Away from the scene of the worst crime I could commit.  

Towards my insanity. 

I needed to return to the worst times of my life, so that I can return to my true life, my life as a human being. 

I continues with the strenuous walk up the mountain. Letting thoughts spill into my mind.  

Inadvertently, I began to realize all of the holes in my life-long story.

If I am just a pawn in a game of my mind, how could I have thoughts swirling around my mind? 

How can I have human body, if I am just an illusion of my mind? 

I can't have two minds, and a physical body in my brain, right?

While continuously walking through limbo, engulfed by my thought that might not be thoughts, I cross over to the possibility of a problem with the Continuum. Although I have no idea what could be wrong with the Space-Time Continuum, I barely know any details about it in the first place. 

For the first time since I've been in limbo, I wish Arrietta was here. She would know what's wrong, she has spent most of her life trapped in limbo. She has pondered these same questions most of her life. Arrietta would know what's wrong, and maybe even be able to fix it. If only I wouldn't have been such a child an told her about the sweet spot, the Portal back.

It was at that very moment that I found it, the enlarged sunset in the sky. I was ready to go back, just before I take they final steps in limbo, take the final leap through my mind. Something stops me, or someone.

I turn around quickly  

"Arrietta?!" I yell with exasperation, willing that something had gone wrong with my plan. 

I search the area around me. Nobody. 

Then another question pops into my mind. "Is it possible for your mind to play tricks on you in a place like this?" 

The answer, yes. 

What Arrietta never told me, could hurt me. 

I wasn't that far off with my Continuum theory.

The Order Of Things is broken, and Arrietta might have been the only one to know.

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