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·         It's a strange fact that all polar bears are left-handed and their liver is extremely poisonous as it contains too much of Vitamin C.

·         Mockingbirds can imitate sounds of other birds.

·         The eyes of donkeys are placed in such a way that they can see all four feet at the same time.

·         Chocolate is poisonous for parrots! (Unlucky!)

·         Butterflies surprisingly use their feet to taste.

·         Butterflies surprisingly use their feet to taste.

·         The call of a blue whale reaches up to 188 decibels, which can be heard from hundreds of miles underwater, thus entitling it to be the loudest animal on earth. In loudness, the whale is followed by the howler monkey.

·         A female ferret will literally die, if she can't find a mate after going into heat.

·         A coin is heavier than a hummingbird!

·         The longest slumber ever! A snail can sleep for THREE YEARS, at a stretch!

·         The butterfly was originally known as the “Flutterby”

·          Gaggle is a group of Geese waddling on the ground. If the same group up in the air will be renamed as “Skein”.

·         Duck quacks do not echo; the reason for which is still unknown.

·         If a drop of liquor is put on the scorpion, it will sting himself to death.

·         One out of every five thousand North Atlantic lobsters is born bright blue in color.

·         Each species of grasshoppers has its own song. This is important, as the varied species cannot breed with each other. The female needs to be aware that she is listening to a male of her own species!   

·         Flying frogs change colour in the day. They are greenish-blue in the sunlight and green in the evening. At night they are black!

·         Most cats in Halifax (Nova Scotia) have six toes!

·         Police dogs are trained to react to commands in foreign languages; commonly German but more recently Hungarian or other Slavic tongue!

·         Which fruit does a reindeer like? BANANAS! And we thought it was the favourite fruit of monkeys and humans!

·         Never anger a Tasmanian devil, its ears turn pinkish-red!

·         A goat’s eye has rectangular pupil!

·         Flash the colour orange in front of a zebra; it will not be able to see it! So be careful not to paint a wall orange where zebras wander!

·         You can lead a cow upstairs but not downstairs!

·         A rat can survive longer than a camel without water!

·         The population of New Zealand is four million people and seventy million sheep! (ROFL)

·         According the records, it is believed that there are more dogs in Paris than humans!

·         The Pistol Shrimp is one of the loudest animals on earth!

·         A woodpecker’s tongue wraps around its skull when retarded!

·         Honey bees know that the Earth is round and can calculate angles!

·         The world’s strongest animal is the Copepod! (Never heard of it)

·         Killer Whales and Orcas are actually part of the dolphin family!

·         Crocodiles shed tears when they eat!

·         Cat’s ‘MEOW’ is only reserved for humans!

·         A cow has four stomachs!

·         Lionesses are better hunters than males and do most of the hunting for a pride.

·         Lions are the national animal of Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, England, Ethiopia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Singapore.

·         A cheetah has amazing eyesight during the day and can spot prey from 5 km away.

·         Cheetahs only need to drink once every three to four days.

·         With their light body weight and blunt claws, cheetahs are not well designed to protect themselves or their prey. When a larger or more aggressive animal approaches a cheetah in the wild, it will give up its catch to avoid a fight.



     FAN! <3

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