One Direction! <3

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Hiya guys! This chap goes on One Direction! These facts really made me smile! I don’t know anyone who will regret that One Direction is cute after reading this!

·         Liam and Louis have mad Harry cry twice. By giving him a GIANT wedgie then ripping his Calvin Klein underwear and straightening his gorgeous curly hair in his sleep. (Wait till u see me guys! *angry face* )

·         Liam cried while watching 'Toy Story 3'.

·          Niall cried while watching 'Finding Nemo'.

·          If Harry wasn't in the band he would be at university studying and would work in a bakery.

·         If Liam wasn't in the band he would work in a factory building airplanes.

·         If Zayn wasn't in the band he would be an English teacher.

·         If Niall wasn't in the band he would be a sound engineer.

·         Harry has a Christmas jumper with skiing people on it.

·         Harry's favorite food is sweetcorn and his favorite drink is apple juice.

·         Harry can play the kazoo.

·          Liam wants to get married in his mid-twenties.

·          Liam bought Niall a life sized 'Barack Obama' for Christmas.

·         Zayn wants to quit smoking because he knows the fans don't like it.

·         Harry says that if he had the chance, he'd date Taylor Swift.

·         Liam says he's awful at flirting and he just goes shy.

·         Niall sings loud in the shower.

·         Harry thinks that 'Bambi' is the perfect first date movie because your date will get emotional and cuddle up to you.

·         Louis cries when he watches romantic comedies.

·         Liam gets emotional while singing 'Moments'. (Bro we all do.)

·          Louis describes Zayn's body as 'hot and spicy'.

·         Harry thinks that if he wasn't in One Direction people wouldn't like him as much as they do.

·         Niall usually ends his tweets with kisses.

·         Zayn wishes he could swap voices with Niall. (It doesn’t matters Zayn! We love u as you are!)

·          Harry's first word was 'cat' (Appropriate :])

·         Liam used to practice kissing on the back of his hand. (Haven't we all?)

·         When Matt was announced the winner of X Factor you can see Harry crying in the background.( It made me cry :’()

·         Harry and Louis first met in the toilets at X Factor.

·         Louis dreams about Harry and Niall the most.

·          Zayn once ate Niall last chip and he tried to eat Zayn's hand as punishmen

·         Would you rather kiss a girl or eat pizza? Harry replied 'kiss a girl' and Niall said he would eat pizza.

·         This is a quote from Louis-"some people say our fans are crazy, but the lads and I think their passionate." Louis, You really understand us don'tcha. 

·          It is confirmed that One Direction will be releasing a 3D movie (I think the title should be '1Din3D' :DD)

·         Harry's favorite band is The Beatles.

·         Harry carries at least 3 Twix chocolate bars with him.

·         Niall annoys Zayn by singing everything in opera. One morning Niall was singing in opera and Zayn slapped him.

·          Harry once told a girl he was gay because he wasn't interested in her.

·         Niall likes it when girls can put on different accents and can speak different languages.

·         Louis pokes Harry's cheeks when he's bored.

·         Zayn mimed 'hello' through the car window to a fan and she passed out.

·         Niall talks about his day in his sleep.

·          Ed Sheeran wrote 'Moments'.

·         Boobear was a singer for the band called 'The Rouge'.

·          Zayn had his first kiss when he was 9 :*

·         Zayn wanted the album to be called 'Zayn and the Boys'.

·         Harry likes girls who wear pink.

·         When Niall gets homesick the rest of the boys speak to him in an Irish accent.

·         Zayn is a cuddling sort of guy.

·          If Liam could make an ice-cream flavor it would be Krisy-Kreme flavoured... what a weirdo. :)

·         If Liam could make an ice-cream flavor it would be Krisy-Kreme flavoured... what a weirdo. :)

·         .One time Harry fell in front of the paparazzi, so the rest of the boys fell over too so that he wouldn't be embarrassed. :D …Sho Shweet!)

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