Chapter 8

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To get him off her mind~

You vented staring at the rich green serene below you. Your optic dimmed as you played with the sweet's stick in your intake. The ship would soon land on the organic pithole and you would meet the Autobots that apparently saw a "Decepticon" ship.

Its probably was just a scouting.

Soon enough the landing protocols whirred to life and you were called to the Bridge. You didn't bother acquainting yourself with the small crew of cybertrionians that were taken on board. They had been escorted quickly to the decontamination showers, you glanced at a monitor when it beeped and your optics widened a little. The scopes within your optics centered in on the insignias branded on the bot's chassis.


Why would they be stupid enough to waltz right up to an elite guard ship. You spotted the small warning as a device was removed from the ship completely. You darted your gaze around the empty bridge and quickly looked back seeing the bots gone. your servos hovered over the console for a moment.

For the Decepticons.

Your digits rushed over the keys with well practiced precision cut the footage and warning leaving any evidence of Decepticon activity. You vented and jumped when you felt something hit your pede. Glaring down at the small organic your derma pulled into a snarl.

"Great." you muttered, "Not even a cycle here, and we're already infested with pests."

You cocked a pede to hang over her. You grunted when she released a high pitched shriek. She started to run, but she stumbled giving you the opportunity to pull her off the ground by the back of her soft armor. She squealed and thrashed causing you to tighten your grip on her frail body. You growled in a warning tone optics narrow.

That shut her up fast.

You hummed loudly fiddling her about in your digits. You chewed the stick in your intake thinking.

"What should I do to you?" You asked blandly

Your derma twitched flashing her a sharp canine that had her trembling in your servo.

"Cadet (Y/n)! Put that vile creature down!" You raised a brow at Sentinel's voice

You grunted and roughly tossed her down and watched her scamper off. Sentinel stormed over to you.

"What's up your tailpipe?" You grunted pulling the sweet stick from your intake.

"I see you haven't scanned the alt mode I have selected for you." He hissed angrily

"Yeah?" You snorted, "It just.. its just not me." You pointed the chewed end of the sweet at him


"It matters because my t-cog ain't designed to transformed into something like that." You flicked the sweet stick into his faceplate

Before you could get more yelled at you walked out.


You suppose it was nice having the small orgaincs scatter out of your path as you walked. You rolled the e-cig in your intake releasing a small puff of smoke.

You narrowed your optics when you spotted the a glitter of metal move between the buildings. You turned down the ally you saw it and saw a bot ducking down another path.

Confused you followed after the large bot. You followed them as they mazed through the back allies. As you rounded another corner you jumped backwards dodging a blast that landed into the building behind you.

As the dust cleared you propped yourself up on an elbow joint. Your optics widened your dermas parting e-cig bouncing down to the ground.

The blaster powered down as his arm lowered his bright gaze meeting your own. The silence was suffocating and painful. He slowly began to approach you his servo lowly raising to touch you.

Your thoughts were flying in many different directions. The scopes within your optics focusing on his faceplate.

That faceplate... the holder of those optics you were always willingly getting lost in.

Your derma trembled and your brows scrunched together as he grew closer.

He grunted when a dumpster collided with his chassis sending him reeling back.

"We've gotta go kid!" You threw your helm around to the autobot here on earth

His servo closed in around your upper arm and yanked you to your pedes and started to run. You throw your helm back to look at the large mech his gaze meeting yours.

Your spark twisted in pain.

A pain you never thought you'd have to actually face.

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