Where Everything Falls Apart

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The boat was silent for a long, long time.

We seemed to have made a collective agreement that we weren't going to discuss what had just happened. Abigail's departure in the wake of such an emotional encounter left the atmosphere hollow.

I ran a hand through my hair, closing my eyes. Not for the first time, I wondered why we couldn't fight normal monsters. Normal villains that you read about in fairy tales. A slice of the sword and it was done. But we faced Tormentors and Tempters who twisted our minds until we weren't sure which of our feelings were real. A monster who was our friend, exposing our insecurities and fears.

Amarie was battling herself.

I sighed, exhausted. More than ever, I just wanted to go home. I usually didn't think much about it. Even when I had just started, had barely understood the crazy world I was in, I didn't dwell on the past. But...at that moment, I just wanted comfort. Safety. Routine.

I watched as Amarie curled up against the side of the boat, as far away from the rest of us as she could. I could see the dried tear tracks on her cheeks as she stared blankly into the distance. I felt a surge of guilt in my stomach. I wanted to comfort her, but I wasn't sure how. Comfort wasn't exactly my forte. In fact, usually when I tried to comfort someone, I ended up saying something stupid and made the whole thing worse. But I couldn't just sit there and watch Amarie hurt all alone. She had been pushing away everyone who had come close.

Then I had an idea. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a certain rock golem and waited while he uncurled in my hand.

"Hello!" he said brightly. Deynan glanced up from nearby but looked back down.

"Hey," I said softly. "Can you do me a favor?"

Ore raised his stumpy arms happily, his personal way of nodding.

"You see that girl over there?" I whispered, gesturing subtly to Amarie. "Could you go talk to her? She really needs a friend right now."

A rocky smile split across his face and he raised his arms again. Then he hopped off my hand and waddled over to the quiet girl. She seemed surprised to see him there, but didn't immediately push him away like she had with the rest of us. She hesitated.

I held my breath.

Then Ore climbed up on her knee. I couldn't hear what he said, but it made her smile weakly.

I relaxed, feeling a little bit better. Maybe I was socially awkward, but I could at least do something.

"You know what I miss?" Deynan said suddenly. "Burgers. Good, hot, fresh burgers. The fast food kind that just FEEL unhealthy in your stomach. I could go for one of those."

I laughed. "Nice. I mean, I'm vegetarian, but nice."

"Dude, what?!" Deynan exclaimed. "How do you live!?"

I shrugged.

"Me too," Sophie said happily. I gave her an air fist-bump.

Deynan shook his head incredulously. "Well, respect. Because there's no way I could live like that."

"There's other fast food that is equally unhealthy and vegetarian," I pointed out.

Audrey nodded emphatically. "Ooh, like fries. The really greasy ones."

"Twinkies," Isaac said, amused.

"Doritos," Deynan added dreamily.

"Chick-fil-a milkshakes," Sierra added.

Isaac frowned. "What's Chick-fil-a?"

Sierra gasped. "Only the best fast food place in the history of the world! Have you never been? That's so tragic!"

Monsters: The Folklore Trilogy Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum