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Not for the first time, I resisted the urge to scream.

"Do you think you two could shut up for a second?" I hissed, trying to be patient.

"She started it!"

"That has to be the most childish response I've ever heard," Sophie retorted.

Deynan stuck out his tongue at her. "So what?"

She crossed her arms. "You could at least try to be mature and make this easier for everyone."

"Or," I said lightly, "everyone could shut up so I can think properly."

The two glared at each other but didn't say anything more.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. They had bickered all the way down here and I was tired of it. I hadn't thought that by putting them together, I had dug my own grave.

I looked up and surveyed the terrain. The ocean was still clear of any intruders, so we had time to set up. I wondered which side of the island they had been spotted on.

I hoped it wasn't West side. I knew Sierra was a competent fighter--beyond competent--but Isaac was still struggling being comfortable with his dragon transformation, and as far as I knew, Amarie couldn't fight.

I suddenly wished I had put myself in her group.

But no. Amarie need to be comfortable and be with people she trusted. One of the most important things in a fight was trust of your team. Without that, things could fall apart quickly.

I had been reading a lot of battle tactics books recently. I had to mix and mash styles to come up with something that worked for Myths and Legends, but it was better than nothing.

"What's the plan, Ravioli?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. "Well, Soldano, the plan is to have you take the lead on this stretch of beach with the warrior form, assuming they're coming out of the water, and I'll do dragon or something and burn them as they come. I'm not sure. It depends on the enemy."

"What about me?" Sophie said quietly, sounding much more like herself than a few minutes ago.

"Take cover in one of those trees and shoot some of them," I said, gesturing to the trees behind us. "If one of us gets hurt, get in there and heal with unicorn."

She nodded.

I took a breath. "That's assuming they come from the water. If they come from the sky--"

"Don't bother," Deynan interrupted.

I glanced at him, annoyed. "What do you mean?"

"Don't bother telling us the sky tactic." He pointed behind me. "Because whatever that is definitely coming from the sea."

I turned, feeling the blood drain from my face.

Something huge, green, and scaly was swimming through the water towards us.

I gulped. "Um, ok...one enemy. I can't tell if that's going to be harder or easier."

"What the heck is that thing?" Deynan hissed. "The Loch Ness monster?"

"Let's just go with generic sea monster for now," Sophie said breathlessly.

"Really? You don't know? I thought for sure a nerd like you..." Deynan said sarcastically.

Sophie glared at him. "I hope that thing eats you," she whispered.

"Now is not the time," I said firmly. "Okay, Sophie, hang back and shoot it with arrows, Deynan and I will launch an aerial attack."

Monsters: The Folklore Trilogy Book 3Where stories live. Discover now