How to Actually Be Useful (For Once)

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I sat on my new bed, watching the three girls talk. Their conversation flowed easily between them, as if they were one mind instead of three.

"Audrey you really need to keep this place a little cleaner," Sierra reprimanded.

Audrey rolled her eyes, chucking some dirty shirts into the bottom of her wardrobe. "Okay, mom."

"I can't believe the wardrobe just gives you the same thing," Sophie said with a giggle.

I frowned. I had noticed that all of Audrey's clothing seemed to be an orange tank top and black shorts, but what was this about the wardrobe giving it to her?

Sierra noticed my look of confusion. "The wardrobe is enchanted to give us clothing of our size and style preferences. It stuck to the uniform at first, but Abigail tweaked it to give us some more free reign. And Audrey's style choices aren't exactly, shall we say, diverse."

Audrey shrugged. "What can I say? It works for me."

"What are you going to do when it gets colder?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Audrey paused, considering this. "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

Sierra crossed the room and opened it. It was Isaac, and he looked serious.

"Something's happening to Giselle," he said breathlessly, as if he had run all the way here. "I don't know what, but you should come take a look."

"Of course," Sierra replied seriously, throwing a worried glance back into the room.

Then Isaac took off down the hall, and we followed him.


Giselle was lying on her side on the floor, spasming and trembling. Ravi, Deynan, Mrs. Simone, Dr. Smith, and Mr. Marquez were gathered around her.

Ravi looked up and saw us running towards them. He took a step back. "According to Mr. Marquez, she just collapsed a few minutes ago. She's been like this ever since."

"It looks like she's having a fit," Audrey said, her eyebrows knitting together.

"Do you know what's wrong with her?" Mr. Marquez asked desperately, kneeling next to her and smoothing back her hair. ", in any way you can. I-I'll do anything." He looked up at Mrs. Simone, his eyes shining with tears.

His words echoed strangely in my head. He cared about her, that was clear. But it was hard for me to understand anyone caring for Giselle. I gazed at the twitching woman on the floor, so pale, her hair a mess. She looked broken. It was a stark contrast to the Giselle I had known. That Giselle strode through the world with a straight back and harsh, unforgiving eyes. Her voice was like ice.

And this man...he was worried about her health.

Dr. Smith cleared his throat and straightened his glasses. "It would appear to me that she is having some sort of magical overload in the system. How often has she used her powers since arriving here?"

"Not once," Mr. Marquez whispered. "She didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. And she was afraid of what she might do."

Dr. Smith nodded gravely. "Giselle Laroche is quite possibly the most powerful individual this world has ever seen. That much magical energy cooped up inside of her...could be damaging."

Just then, Giselle gasped. Her eyes snapped open, but she wasn't looking at anyone. It seemed as though she was seeing something in the air that wasn't there.

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