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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

We grabbed our necessary books and walked down the steep concrete steps towards Hagrid home and the forbidden forest.

Once we had all surrounded Hagrid, we were guided into the woods to an open area.
"And open your books to page 49." The larger man instructed. Draco looked down to his book before asking,
"And exactly how do we do that?" I chuckled and stroked the spine of my book, walking up to Draco.
"You're an idiot." I mumbled before finding Pansy, he looked at me confused just as Hagrid replied.
"Well you stroke the spine of course."
The pureblood looked down to his book before dragging two fingers down its spine. I heard Hermione's voice and then Draco's.
"Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty....wait until my father hears Dumbledores got this oaf teaching classes." His snide remark annoyed me, especially when Crabbe and Goyle laughed at it.
"Shut up Malfoy." Harry demanded as the two boys and Draco 'oooooh'ed. The Malfoy son, handed his stuff to Goyle and strode up to Harry before 'seeing a dementor' and laughing at everyone's reactions.
I politely and sweetly asked Pansy to hold my book with a smile, she accepted to as I walked up to Draco and grabbed his collar.
"Listen bleach boy, if I hear one more snide or snarky comment from you, I'm gonna punch that pretty little face of yours so hard it's gonna be hurting for months. Got that?" I hissed as he quickly nodded his head. I released his collar and went back to Pansy, smiling. I took my book back and we started happily talking. The three boys staring at me in disbelief.
"I doubt she'd actually do that Draco, she's a bloody wimp." Knowing what was going to happen, Pansy once again to ahold of my stuff as I walked up to the source of the voice, Goyle. I stood in front of him and gave him a sweet smile before raising my fist and landing a perfect, hard, powerful punch to his jaw, causing him to stumble back a bit. I heard a few claps and cheers from behind me.
"I won't do it? Try me." I growled and with that I walked back over to Pansy, thanking her as I collected my stuff from her arms. Neville arrived just as Hagrid presented us with two magnificent beasts.
"Hippogriffs!" I cheered, my eyes scanning over the grey feathered creature and its light brown companion.
"They're beautiful..." I murmured, a smile on my face as I gently pushed my way to the front of the crowd.
"The first thing you want to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures. Very egocentric." Our professor announced.
"Much like Draco then..." I mumbled as Pansy snorted. I smiled at her reaction and we both continued listening.
"So don't insult a hippogriff, it may just be the last thing you ever do." He continued.
"So who'd like to come and say hello?" He finished, everyone took multiple steps backwards as Harry stood still and I took a few steps forwards.
"C'mon then you two. Harry if you'd like to come to Buckbeak and (y/n) if you'd like to go over to firedust over there." I smiled and nodded, walking in front of the brown hippogriff and bowed to her. Almost instantaneously she spread her wings and returned the bow.
"Excellent work (y/n). Now Harry you go." I walked up to her and placed a hand just between her eyes and stroked her.
"You are one beautiful creature." I complimented and she made a delighted noise. I laughed and Hagrid tossed a dead ferret to us, I caught it and held it out to Firedust, which she happily ate. Harry was lifted onto Buckbeak by Hagrid but Firedust bent her front two legs to the floor, allowing me to climb on. I smiled and did as she wished.
"What a lady you are." I complimented again, receiving a delight noise again.
"Well, I've never seen either of them do that before." Hagrid commented, looking to me. I shrugged as she took off, following her grey friend. We flew over the castle and the black lake, just skimming the water every so often. I could tell harry enjoyed it more than he anticipated. We circled back around through the trees, landing back into the clearing. Cheers were sent to Harry, myself and the magnificent creatures. Draco stood up from the stone he had perched himself on and strode up to Buckbeak, once Harry had been lifted off. I smirked knowing what the outcome would be.
"I wouldn't Draco." I taunted, sliding off the gorgeous beast. He waved his hand in a dismissive manner as I pet fire. We both sighed and watch his misfortune occur.

Buckbeak reared back and slashed Draco's right forearm. The injured boy rolled around the floor, holding his arm.
"Ah, it's killed me. It's killed me." He whined dramatically. Hagrid began talking and I laughed, dismissing myself from Firedust with a bow, thanking her. She returned it and started making noises at Buckbeak, probably scolding him.
"Don't worry Hagrid. He should have listened. I'll take him to the infirmary." Hagrid nodded as Draco continued being a dramatic fuck.
"Get up, its your arm that's hurt, not your bloody legs. You can walk just fine." He rolled his eyes and stood up, I chuckled and pulled him away from everyone else. While passing Pansy I asked her if she could take my bag and books with her to our next class. She nodded and packed my books away, I thanked her and continued with the pureblood.

"You're far too dramatic, Draco. It's just a scratch!" I insisted as he wriggled around on the infirmary bed. He groaned and stopped wriggling to look at me.
"Well the bloody creature didn't 'scratch' you now did it?" I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"No, because I was respectful to it!" He groaned again and slumped into the pillows.
"If only you learnt how to listen to people." I sighed as he glared at me for my remark.
"What?" I laughed.
"'Listen to people'? I do listen, to certain people." He huffed and I sighed with a smile as well as a small giggle.
"You mean pureblood family members and the people you actually like?" Draco stayed quiet but I still had a smile knowing I was right.

"Does it hurt terribly Draco?" Pansy asked as Draco began being Dramatic again. We were currently in a study period where we could either talk, study or do homework. Rolling my eyes, I sighed with a smile.
"Pans, stop fawning over him. It's just a few scratches. He's being dramatic." I teased as he gave me a dirty look, Pansy just laughed.
"Draco stop staring at me, it's disturbing." I added, smirking. "People might think you like me."

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