Rons new girlfriend

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Edited/Rewritten: June 7th 2019

I walked with my favourite odd ball trio through the thick snow in a pair of blue jeans, converse and an incredibly warm hoodie.
"For weeks you've had this book, practically sleeping with it, and yet you have no intention of seeing who the half blood prince is!" Hermione spoke through the falling snow.
"I don't sleep with it!" Harry replied calmly. I rolled my eyes.
"Well it's true!" Ron intercepted.
We watched as professor flitwick passed professor Slughorn and explained that he had 'an emergency choir practice'. I scoffed at his excuse and asked the others.
"Anyone fancy a butter beer?" They nodded and we made a b-line for the three broomsticks.

As we seated ourselves a waiter came up to us asking if we would like any drinks.
"Ron sit beside me." Harry asked Ron. He did so, leaving me to sit opposite Harry and next to Hermione.
"Anything to drink?" The waiter asked kindly, I smiled and nodded.
"Four butter beers please." He nodded and made his way over to the counter.
"Ah bloody hell," Ron spoke.
"Sleezy git." Hermione and I turned to face the direction he look and saw Ginny in the corner with her boyfriend, who I could only assume was Dean Thomas.
"There's nothing wrong, their only holding hands." Hermione calmed him as we all glanced back to the couple, who were now kissing...oh how wrong you were Hermione, how wrong you were.
"And snogging." She added, with a distasteful look on her face, I giggled and faced the two boys in front of me, one being Ginnys brother. Our drinks were set down in front of us as Ron spoke again, Harry and myself just watching his and Hermione's conversation.
"I'd like to leave." He calmly stated, rubbing his hands over his legs.
"What? That's ridiculous!" Hermione argues in disbelief.
"That happens to be my sister!" Ron retorted, I sighed and drank my butter beer.
"So? If she happened to see you snogging me would she get up and leave?" Miss Granger asked. I snorted at her suggestion and lowered my drink. The three of them looked at me weirdly as Harry greeted our potions Professor.
"Harry my boy!" Slughorn greeted. Not wanting to listen I drowned out everything and stared out of the window as the snow danced across the view and settled among the wood, snow and stone. It was truly beautiful.

We walked back to Hogwarts amongst a blizzard, two girls walking ahead of us.
"Katie you don't know what it could be!" I heard one warn faintly. I walked ahead of the boys with Hermione beside me as we sighed in the crisp cold air. Ahead of us the girl wearing a black coat, who I assumed had been the one to warn 'Katie' screamed. We looked at them and then to the girl dressed in red laying on the floor, a parcel laying next to her. The girl in red began moving from left to right, as though she was possessed, I stepped back a bit and watched. She was lifted into the air, her arms outstretched to her sides, watching as she was then dropped into the snow. Her head twitched as Hagrid picked her up and warned us not to touch whatever she had. We nodded and followed him back to the school.

I was slightly behind the guys as we walked into the classroom,
"Why is it, when something happens, it is always you three??" McGonagall enquired I shrugged and headed to my dorm.
"I ain't dealing with that shit." I mumbled as I exited the room.

During the quidditch match, Ron blocked every shot Slytherin made. See, I would've cheered for Ron, if he wasn't against Slytherin, but seeing as he was I supported my own house. Many players of ours hit the ground and fell from their brooms but we didn't give up.

I waited outside of the Gryffindor common room for Hermione, as she said she had to congratulate Ronald Weasley. I could hear the loud chants of Godrics house, yet still no Hermione. I sighed and slumped against the wall, sinking to the floor. After a few minutes, Hermione exited the room, tears in her eyes. She wandered away and I followed after her. We ended up towards the top of the tower as I found her sat on the steps. I walked towards her as she pulled out her wand and made small paper birds. I smiled and walked over to her.
"Hey hermit." I said softly, Harry appearing behind me. "Those birds are good."
"How does it feel, harry?" She paused, Harry taking a seat next to her as I sat at the 'window'.
"When you see Dean with Ginny? I've seen how you look at her. You're my best friend." She finished, sniffling. We heard high pitched giggling/squealing followed by footsteps that seemed to be running, coming closer to us. They stopped to reveal, Ron and the girl from the quidditch tryouts. I sighed and rolled my eyes, resting my head against the wall.
"Oops! I think this rooms taken." She states with a smile, gripping Ron's right arm. I inhaled sharply and look to Hermione and Harry.
"What's with the birds?" Ron asks as his little girlfriend runs off.
"Oppugno." She recites after standing up. The small bird like things, zoom, in a line, towards Ron as he backed away, Hermione's creations splattering against the wall. Ron looks at us and I just sight, going over to Hermione. I rubbed the sides of her arms and guided her to sit down next to Harry and myself, while Ron left. She started crying again as Harry spoke.

(Highly suggest listening to TØP's Cancer for this bit)
"It feels like this." I took a deep breath and used a trick my parents taught me, to teleport to Draco, knowing him he's probably out somewhere in the school. I ended up at the astronomy tower, I opened my eyes and saw him stood, leaning against the railing.
"Beautiful night to be up here." I say softly, causing him to turn around. His expression softens upon seeing me and I walk up to him. I leant on the railing next to him and stared off onto the grounds of Hogwarts and further.
"Yeah..." He murmured, I smiled and we stayed silent for a few moments before he spoke again.
"Do you know if you're going to be like your parents?" He asked. I stood confused for a moment before replying with a question.
"A deatheater?" He briefly nods and I shrug.
"Maybe, depends on how Hogwarts finishes for me. If all goes good and I don't die or get injured because of anything to do with Voldemort... probably. But if someone gets hurt because of me...I'm not sure I would. You?" He nods.
"If they ask me to, I will." I nod and turn to face him.
"Are you gonna go back to the dorms? You should get some sleep, the sun will rise soon." I suggest. Draco just shrugged and continued to lean against the railings. His mood seemed to be dampened or he was deep in thought. That's not necessarily a good thing this early in the morning. A small and very subtle but genuine smile has slipped its way into my face. There wasn't much wind, despite how high up we were, but there was still that slightly chilly breeze. Draco could feel my gaze on him and turned to glance at me, his eyes meeting mine with a content sigh.
"I'm sorry about possibly everything." I listened as the blonde turned to face me completely. "Everything my father has done...everything I've done to you and your friends." I let Draco place a hand on my arm, his hand soon trailing down to meet mine. My free hand travelled to the side of his neck (soon into his hair) as I leant into him, our lips inches apart.
"I prefer when your nicer, it's easier to do this..." My lips gently pressed to his as snow began to fall, Draco's free hand slipping around my waist.

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