Christmas with the Malfoys

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Edited/Rewritten: June 8th 2019

It was the night of Slughorns Christmas party and I stood with Draco at a window, watching as Harry and Luna head into the party and we wandered off to the cabinet. Pulling the same sheet off it, I pulled open the door, allowing Draco to place an apple in it. He nodded and I closed the door. He chanted something, almost inaudible before telling me to open it. I did so and noticed the apple was gone, I smiled and closed the door again. He chanted the same thing and I opened the door the apple was back but it appeared to have two bites taken out of it. Looking to Draco I shrugged. I closed the door and re-covered the large piece of furniture.

Draco and I were dragged into the Christmas party by the caretaker, Mr Filch. I growled at him as he pulled me by my hair. Draco kept calling him a 'Squib', which is a non-magical child born to magical parents.
"Professor Slughorn, Sir. I just found this couple lurking in an upstairs corridor." He said proudly. I tried to pull away from him, sadly causing him to grip my hair tighter.
"Couple my ass." I whispered almost inaudibly.
"Claims to have been invited to your party." He continues, almost instantly Draco responds.
"Okay, Okay. We were gate crashing. Happy?" I snort at his comment while my hair was gripped even tighter.
"Ow!" I whine, as I'm yanked backwards. Draco glared at the caretaker and glanced at me, I roll my eyes. Snape walked up to us and spoke.
"I'll escort them out." Draco's annoyed expression fell as he stared at our DADA teacher. Filch released us and I sighed in happiness and relief.
"Certainly....Professor." My bleach haired companion replied as he walked away, grabbing my hand and pulling me along in the process.

We walked at a hurried pace down a corridor as Snape pinned Draco against a wall.
"I swore to protect you with the unbreakable vow." He hissed.
"I don't need protection, I was chosen for this. Out of all others, me!" Drace replied as I spaced out yet again, appreciating the intricate detail on the walls of the school.
After a few more minutes, Draco pulled me along towards the dorms and told me to pack for the next day to head back for the holidays. I nodded and did so.

We arrived at Malfoy manor to be greeted by snow covered gardens and a white coated building. I smiled pulling a suitcase along behind me. We reached the door and opened it, to be greeted by fairy lights and Christmas decorations strewn around the room. A tree in each room, beautifully decorated. Fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, joining one wall to another. Tinsel decorated the floor as both mothers stood to greet us with a smile. The brown hair of my mother littered with glitter as well as Narcissa's. Lucius and my father however, sat on the couches seemingly disappointed. The two of us were engulfed in a hug by our mothers as we took a step forwards. I giggled and hugged Mama Rivergold. She pulled back and I was greeted by another hug, this time by Mama Malfoy. I giggled again and returned the gesture before pulling away. I walked over to my father and squatted in front of him.
"No hug?" I asked and he looks up from the floor. His eyes widen and a smile lights up his face, in pulled into a huge bear hug and returned it.
"Merry Christmas." I said with a smile to everyone. Lucius stood up and I smiled, shaking his hand.
"Merry Christmas, Lucius." He smiled and nods. Narcissa and Elizabeth (my mother) hurried into the living room and pushed Drace and I onto a couch, confused we looked to each other and back at our parents. They stood in front of us holding two gifts each. One for Draco each and one for me each. My parents handed me mine while Draco's handed him his. Unsure, I untied the silver bow securing the black box. I lifted the lid and revealed my present. I smiled and pulled it out. It was a gorgeous picture frame with 24 places to actually have pictures. I decided for each image I'd either have my friends, family or my cat, Sirius, who coincidently was now sat in the box, I giggled and pushed the box a little, scaring the poor creature. Draco unwrapped his to reveal a little black velvet box. Narcissa spoke up as he opened the smaller box.
"A family Heirloom, we thought your old enough, so why not hand it down to your family." He looked at her confused before facepalming with red dusting his cheeks, I looked at the box in his hand and smiled.
"It's a beautiful ring, Narcissa." She smiled and nodded. It was a gold band decorated with clear leaf shaped jewels along one part of it.
I was then handed a larger box from the Malfoy parents and carefully opened it. Ripping through the paper revealed a long green dress covered with green lace that went far past my ankles and along my arms. Smiling I set it down and hugged the two parents.
"Thank you." I whispered as they returned the gesture. Draco was handed a gift from my parents and quickly but carefully I wrapped it. The first thing I caught a glimpse of was a book. God knows what book, he wouldn't show me.
I walked the corridors with Harry and Hermione, not knowing where Ron was. On our journey we talked and, surprisingly, passed Ron with his girlfriend. Hermione excused herself and I continued to walk with Potter-y. He smiled at the occasional student as I bid goodbye and split off to find some other members of my friend group. I turned the corner and literally walked into Draco. I laughed and said a small hello, pecking his lips. He quickly returned the kiss before slinging an arm over my shoulder and walking with me to our next class....
The next day, we sat beside Ron in the infirmary. 'We' being Ginny, Harry, Hermione and myself. As Dumbledore spoke with Horris, a girl came in asking about her 'RonRon? Oneone?' I don't know. But she kept asking if Ron had been asking for her. As she entered she spotted Hermione and demanded to know why she was here.
"I might ask you the same question." She retorted, receiving a reply.
"I'm his girlfriend!" The random girls tone of voice stated as a fact. Hermione stood and spat her reply.
"Well I'm his.....friend." Her voice seemed to drain as she sat back down. They began to argue and Ron began to speak, the random girl realised that it wasn't her name he spoke but it was Hermione's. She ran off crying. Ginny wandered off as Harry and I left the two alone.
I spotted Draco and followed him to the two birds, he picked up the white one and continued on to the cabinet room.
"Draco!" I called out, he turned around and smirked, motioning for me to join him. I met him at the door and we went in. The door disappeared behind us as we pulled the sheet off yet again. Placing the bird inside, Draco shut the door not needing to recite the spell. I opened the door and revealed that it was no longer there. Closing it again we took a deep breath and hopes it would have appeared again. He pulled open the door and I sighed as he stared at it in disbelief. The white bird lay there, motionless.
"Working this out will take awhile..." I mumbled, closing the door, leaving the room with him soon after.

Wandering into the main hall for breakfast, with Draco he stopped midway through the hall. I stepped to the side to see Harry staring at him, Katie bell behind him. I raised an eyebrow to Katie and she shrugged slightly, I nodded and stepped aside again making room for Draco to move away if necessary. As predicted my bleach pureblood friend turned away and loosened his tie, exiting the hall. Harry followed after. Knowing something would go wrong, I cautiously continued after Harry and Draco. They went up a small set of stairs and turned down a corridor. Looking ahead I noticed the bird cage, both birds now missing. Harry took a Right, different to the left Draco and I usually took. I remained at the doorway to the lavatory they had entered and watched, warily. A sad expression covered my face as I witnessed Harry quietly walk up to the now sobbing Malfoy.
"Malfoy, You hexed her, didn't you?!" Harry asked. Draco had now turned around and I quickly hid behind the wall. They began throwing spells at each other as mirror and sinks smashed along with toilets. I carefully entered the room and followed the path Draco took. I ended up at the sinks, a huge puddle of water surrounding the two boys. I looked to Harry who was staring at Draco, slowly making his way forwards. My eyes travelled to the pale blonde and I saw him laying in the water, blood slowly blending with it. I dropped anything and everything I was carrying, gaining Harry's attention, I ignored the dark haired male and dropped to my knees beside the blue eyed male. I panicked, gently stroking his hair to calm him.
"oh my god...Draco...Hey, please be okay..." my hands began shaking as he cried and Professor Snape walked in. As he did, Harry turned and left, passing another teacher on the way. Snape chanted something as I stayed sat in the water beside the bloodied blonde, slowly healing his wounds, a sad smile etched onto my face.

I sat in the infirmary beside Draco as he just stared at the ceiling.
"You feeling okay?" I asked, his head turning to face me. Sighing he replied with a brief yes and sat up, getting off the bed and heading to change. Once he did, he gently pulled me down the corridors of the school and to the cabinet. I stepped forwards slightly and yanked the sheet off the intricate design of the furniture and stepped back a couple of feet, as did the boy beside me, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. The doors handle began to turn and was pushed open, this time both doors. Black smoke poured out and we took another couple of steps back, my (h/c) hair being blown behind my shoulders. Once seeing figures form, we decided we'd better leave and made our way through all of the junk and out of the room, heading straight to the astronomy tower. Draco let go of my hand as we reached halfway up and told me to stay down here, I agreed to do so and let him do whatever as I sat on the step, my jeans now dirtied as my grey flannel blew in the wind. I heard little feet pottering up the stairs and looked down, I noticed my little black cat, Sirius. He came up the stairs and shifted into another animal, an Owl to be more specific. He flew up to the top, following Draco and waited up there, listening.

People passed me and I followed behind them, silently. We re-emerged to see Dumbledore and Lucius' son. I quietly called Sirius back to me and he perched on my left shoulder. I recognised the people to be Bellatrix LeStrange and her group of deatheaters.
"Good evening Bellatrix." Our headmaster began.
"I think introductions are in order...don't you?" He continued.

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