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Why did it have to be a sickening perfect day? Why are those people happy? Don't they realized what just happened?
I looked back to the people behind me. Two parents sobbing onto each another. My little sister silently crying, waiting for her brother to come back. Neighbors, distant family, friends, and me.
He said he didn't feel love from anyone, but what about all the people around him. What about me? I looked down at my ring.
What could I have done? I could have noticed. I could have been there for him more. I could have denied those extra hours of work.
People started to leave. The neighbors first, then the distant family, then the friends, next was the parents taking the little girl back home. I was left alone.
I fell to my knees sobbing. Only one word going through my head, why? Why couldn't I have gotten home faster? Why couldn't I have stopped him? Why couldn't I have loved him more? Why couldn't I have been better?
The only person I have ever loved was now gone. What was I supposed to do? I couldn't just find someone else.
I looked at my ring once more. He proposed only a month ago. We were supposed to get married on New Years Eve.
I got home to an empty house. I packed my things to stay at my mother's for a while. Everything reminded me of him. I couldn't take it. I looked up at the sky and thought.
"Why would you let him take his life?"

No, dad, I'm not depressed. I just want anyone who is dealing with depression to know that there is a future. Even if you don't feel it now. People love you for you. Until the next story, bye! :)

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