An Artist's Sunset

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     The morning sunlight gave the room a heavenly glow as the artist painted. Paint splattered across the walls and the floor. As they painted the world seemed to fade away and the only thing that mattered was the art. It felt like a new world was being created. Something beautiful was being painted. 

     I stood and watched as they painted. Slowly the painting came together. All the seemingly random colors started to come together. It really was beautiful. Watching them paint reminded me how every little thing mattered, and even if a mistake was made it could be fixed and made into something amazing. 

     Every stroke of that paintbrush had a meaning. Every drop of paint represented a story. Nothing was just, there, because this was important and had to hold meaning in every corner. This held everything the artist was and could've been. This was the artist's last gift to the world.

     I waited until they were finished. They sat down and looked at their work. A proud smile spread across their face. We sat in that room in silence until the work of art was dry. The artist flipped it over to sign it. A small smile found it's way to my face as I watched the date appear on the back next to their signature. 

     I held out my hand and said, "It's your time" 

     They nodded their head and took my hand. I took them to their afterlife full of colors. I stayed for a bit watching as they looked around their little heaven. Once they were settled in I appeared back in the room. The light of late afternoon filled the room and gave it a dreamy feel. 

     I walked over to the painting and took it off its easel. I looked at it for a bit, admiring every little detail, before I gave it to the respected owners. I hung it up in their house in between two windows. I looked outside and knew it was time. As the sun kissed the horizon, colors burst onto the plain sky. It was one of the most beautiful yet. I smiled as I watched. I could sense people taking pictures and trying to draw the beauty, but they couldn't quite capture it. They couldn't capture it because the original hung in a house, between two windows, watching the day turn into night.

     This sunset will be shown to the whole world when it comes time. The family of the fallen artist will love it the most and keep the original in a place worthy of its beauty. They will smile each time looking at it because it radiated the artist's very soul. That painting will be passed down to the generations to come. The painting will soon be placed in a place people could see and admire it.

 It was truly an artist's sunset. 

Okay so this was done instead of doing homework...whoops? I hope you enjoyed it! If you did enjoy it please vote and comment! I'm trying a new way of writing and it's really helping me, I think. Until the next story Buh-Bye!  :D

I hoped you liked the music. I kinda just wanted to put some and I thought it went nicely with this small story. 


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