Chapter 5 * P A R T 2 *

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[*Sexual Content*]

Dee's P.O.V

"Well look at you Mr Playa." Ky said punching me playfully. I just smiled with lust in my eyes. I pushed her up against the wall and smashed my lips into hers.

"Uhm Dee?...Can I get my shit first?" She said looking hella annoyed.

"How bout I give you half now for the $30, an half when we done?" I said winking. "Plus...iono if you gon' flake on me and just take my shit?!" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Really Dee?? How bout this then.." She took off her shorts, and her shirt. "Now gimme so I can do some first."

Dayummm,,,this girl is sexy as fuck. Nice tan skin, her long brownish hair, baby blue eyes, some 'tig o bitties' and fo a white girl, she got ass fo days. She has a perfectly flat stomach with a belly button ring and some nice ass legs.

"Hello?!?! Earth to Deryk?!?" Ky said breaking my stare of her body.

"Sorry baby girl, you is just a dime mane. No, scratch is a whole damn dolla." I said lickin my lips. I might just let'er just keep 'er money lookin like that but imma see how she throw it down first.

Ky's P.O.V

'This boy keep looking at me like he gonna eat me or some shit.' I mentally said to myself. I handed him the $30 and he gave me back 4 bags of heroin, 5 pain killers, and 10 methadone. I popped 2 percs, and 2 dones right away.

As soon as I could feel the high run thru my body I figured it was payment time. I looked at Dee with lust in my eyes and he caught on hella quick.

He started kissing me again but I stopped him and took his shirt off and started kissing and licking from his neck down his perfect body, making sure to not do it to hard so I wouldnt leave any 'evidence'. I got to the line of his boxers and licked all across the top. I un-buckled his belt and un-buttoned his pants pulling them down, then his boxers.

"JESUS!!!" I said out loud even though it was supposed to just be in my head. I kinda just came out! He looked down at me smirking.

"Like watchu see ma?' He said winking at me.

"I dunno about all that Dee!" Shit I didnt mean for it to come out like that.

"Watchu mean?!?" He said shocked at my response. "Is it that small? You coulda kept that shit to yo' damn self! Fuck this...gimme my shit back!!" He semi yelled, obviously pissed off. I just burst out laughing cuz he it took it the wrong way.

"N-N-No Dee!" I said in between chuckles. "Youre HUGE! I dont think that'll fit in my mouth..nevermind sex!"

He immediately burst out laughing.

"Ha thats some shit. You had me thinkin a certain way, had me all insecure n shit."

"Uh should be in a damn porno." I said managing to spit it out before laughing again.

"Naw, I love fuckin multiple times a day as much as the next dude, but I'm all set wit alldat."

"Well now that we got that outta the way..." I said still chuckling a little.

"Fo real tho girl, lets get this got!" He said licking his plump juicy lips.

And of course since my dumb ass had to go and ruin the mood I had to start all over again. I started kissing his jawbone and made my way to his neck. He started moaning so I knew I had hit his spot. I stayed on his neck for a minute and moved to his rock solid chest. His moaning got louder so I licked down his perfect 6-pack, ('FUCK an 8-pack...all I need is 6'), I said to myself. I finally made my way back to his HUGE 'friend' and started licking the head before putting him in my mouth. Then...I heard the bathroom door open...

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