Chapter 4 *P A R T 1*

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We finally pulled up, paid for our food and drove the 2 miles to my Moms bank. That just so happened to be across the street from my school. She had me pull up to the drive-thru atm and handed me her card.

"Take out $150. The pin is 5163." I looked at her weird but she must need money for herself also. I put the card in, typed in the pin and amount. Few seconds later heard the machine making noise as it spit out 7 $20s and 1 $10. It asked if i wanted a receipt and I pressed 'yes'. The receipt came out, then the card. I hand my Mom the card, receipt and $50. Then she handed me another $30 and put $20 in her wallet.

"Uhm ..I only asked for $100 Mom." I told her hella confused.

"I know sweety. You didn't actually think I'd make you pay extra did you?"

"Uh..actually yah I did." I said chuckling softly.

"Well the $30 is actually so you can go buy a nice outfit after school cuz Im making a nice dinner tonight. We have a guest coming." She said with a smirk.

"I don't even wanna know but thank you Momma. What time.should I be home by for this 'special' dinner?"

"Be home by 6:30."

"Ok I will. Love you Mom!" I said pulling up at the school.

"Love you too sweety. I'll be home from work around 4:00 today. I'm only working half a day." She said getting into the drivers seat and pulling away. I waved to her and made my up the school steps and through the big doors. Since I was 25 minutes late to second period I had to stop at the main office first to get a late pass. I walked in the door and saw Mrs. Johnson at her desk fiddling with her computer.

"Good morning Mrs. Johnson." I said with a weak smile.

"Good morning Kylah. What can I help you with?"

"Uhm..I'm just getting here so i need a pass." I responded hesitantly cuz she HATED when students were late.

"My ride couldn't pick me up today so I had to ask my Mom last minute and ended up running late." I explained hoping she wouldn't say anything.

"Oh ok. Well just try to be on time everyday since you only have a month left til summer break."

"I will ma'am." I told her to make her happy.

"What class are you heading to?"

"World History III with Mr. Burrows."

"Ok. Here you go. Have a good day."

"You too ma'am. Thank you!" I walked out of the office and made my way to my locker to get my history book. As I shut my locker I saw Deryk Rontell, a.k.a Dee, walking towards me. Dee was one of the most popular guys at MVH. He is the quarterback on the football team and what can I say...he's gorgeous with his chocolate skin, pearly white smile, and beautiful green eyes. His unique appearance made him that much more sexy.

"Hey Ky!!" He yelled out running towards me now snapping me out of my thoughts. "What's good ma?"

Dee was a major drug dealer so I knew he had the goods.

"Hey Dee!" I said batting my lashes at him.

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