Chapter 14

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P.O.V Cortnee

It’s been two weeks since I have talked to Liam. I have been spending these two weeks in a hotel. I am supposed to be going back. No one from my family knows I’m here. I was going to see my family but I am not going to risk my babies’ lives. I know if went home, id need up being pushed down the stairs. I have had my phone off for two weeks. I don’t know what my plan is when I get back. I really have been trying to be in peace and quiet.

I had not watch TV .I have watched movies. I really didn’t want to hear one direction drama. I do wonder if Liam told them that I was pregnant with twins and I also wonder if he told them I dumped him. I didn’t really break up with him. I just left for a little bit. I was getting ready to leave, I am so nervous to board this plane.

I have been caught by the paparazzi. They probably had been posted everywhere. I seriously have had internet or TV, just movies and myself.

I took a deep breath and boarded the plane. I relax the whole plane read. I did my breathing excises. It was a long flight so I slept through it.

“We are now landing” the pilot said.

I was in the front so I was able to get out fast; I grabbed my carry on and then went to go get my suitcase. I started to remember when I first met Liam here. I sat on the bench that Liam let me rest on with him. I turned my phone and let all the messages go on. There were plenty from all the boys and twitter; tons of hate on twitter.

I called for a taxi to go home. I am finally going to be at my flat. I waited for my taxi outside. I breathed in the UK air. The taxi showed and he helped me with my bags. “Thank you,” I said with a small smile. I slid into the back seat.

A 15 minute drive to my flat felt like an hour. I just want to be home. Once he pulled in my drive and slid out the car and pulled my bags out. “Thank you so much sir” I handed him the money and extra. I rushed inside because I was already cold. I put my bags down and took a deep breath. It’s early in the morning here but I really just want to see the boys.

I pulled on my winter coat and headed to Liam’s. This is it. I started to get teary eyed. I walked slowly. I was freezing though. I finally got to his door. I softly knocked. Minutes later the door opened. It was Liam, it was Niall. He was completely shocked. “Cortnee,” he grabbed to be inside. “Aw you are freezing.” He said. “Um not to be rude Niall, but...” he cut me off “yes, he is in his room” he laughed.

This is it. I knocked softly. Liam opened the door. “Hi.” I said softly. His arms wrapped around me. His eyes seemed red and puffy. He pulled me in his room and shut the door. “Cortnee, I have been so worried.” I looked up at him. I took my winter coat off. “Liam, I’m sorry. I need to think.” He looked down at my stomach.

I sat down on his bed. “Liam, maybe we have been taking this too fast.” I didn’t mean it, I love him. “Cortnee, it doesn’t matter that we took it too fast. We are together forever” he said taking my hand. “Cortnee, I love you.” He kissed my lips. “I am sorry, for the way I acted. It needs to grow up because those babies will be here before we know it.” He started to rub my stomach.

“Our next appointment, we get know the genders” I smiled. I really couldn’t wait for that because once Liam and I get out new house, we can decorate the rooms. “I have a question. How did telling your mum and the interview” I said with a serious face. I did feel bad for leaving him like that. “Well my mum didn’t come because her flight was canceled, and I wasn’t home for the interview” he looked over at his window. “Wait, where were you.” I was confused. “I was on a flight to Florida.” He looked at me.

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