Chapter 4

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Cortnee's P.O.V

We pulled up at our new flat, it was beautiful. Carly ran quickly into the flat, while I unloaded the taxi. I paid the taxi driver. Carly came out of the flat seeing me struggle with the suitcases. She started to laugh at me trying to take one trip, which was impossible. She grabbed her suitcases and I manged to do 3 trips. I am the type of person that gets things down right away.

I sat in my room , you tell it was my room because it had a rainbow comforter. I plugged my phone into the wall and turned on Pandora. My suitcases filled most of room, i just wanted to get rid of them already. Carly's and I's plan was to empty our suitcases as soon as possible so we can send most of them back home. 

It took me 2 hours to have all my clothes and things organized. Once I was done I got a really bad headache and wanted to relax a bit and take a nap. Before I go take a nap, I have to tell Carly. I search the flat to find her and I find her napping on the sofa. I laid down on the rug in the living room. 

I woke up at 2 p.m to hear Carly's phone go off." Carly who are you talking to?" I sleeply asked. " Oh, no one" It went silent for a little.

"Cortnee, I was thinking." I looked at Carly pretending to be shocked," Oh my god, you were thinking" I let out at giggle.

"Shut up. As I was saying. Let's start England with a Big Bang."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's go out tonight." She said slowly.

I sat there for a little bit thinking. But hell I told myself this is a new me. "Yeah." We ran into my room and got my phone, so we can search where we can get our nails done. Once we found a place we called the taxi. We waited in the living for the Taxi to get here.



"Why did you hear me shout your name at the airport?"

"I will be honest, I have no idea. I looked over and saw the boys and locked eyes with one of them..."

Carly was looking at me with a strange smile " Cort--" the taxi beeped and I grabbed my wrist-lit and walked out. I slide into the taxi and shortly after Carly did too. Before Carly can say something i put my headphones in and look out the window.

We finally got to the nail salon."Cortnee, while we were in the taxi I found a pumping club to go to" Carly smiled at me. "Alright , better be 'pumping'" I used air quotes with the word pumping and laughed. We both got some weird name design. By the time we were done with our nails and back home is was 4:30 and we both decided to take a shower and do each other hairs. I only blown dry my hair and put up in a tight Pony tail.(

I sat in room for at least an hour trying to figure out what to wear. Till I thought it would be nice to wear a cute pink dress and a pair of vans. I didn't wear heels much but i have tons of pairs. Tonight i will the girl I wanted to but couldn't because i was so self cautious. We had to leave the house by 9. It was 8 and I'm waiting on Carly. 30 minutes later she walks out of the room. She of course looks like she going to a club compared to me. ( 

"How do I look?" she twirls. " Amazing, can we go now?"  the taxi had been waiting and i just wanted the my amazing night to start. She nodded her head , i grabbed my phone and left the flat and i basically ran to the taxi. I watch Carly walk in the 4 inch pumps. I laughed her because she tried to keep up with me. One of the reasons i didn't like wearing heels much.

 Of course there was tons of traffic. I didn't bring my head phones of course. "Cortnee, you better let loose tonight."

 " Of course I will" I smiled at her, I am so excited to get dancing. "Promise me you wont drink too much,Carly" I smiled at her but said it seriously.

"Maybe" she cheekily smiled and winked. 

We finally got to the club, the outside was packed and their was flashing lights. Which means someone famous is there. Whatever I'm not going to let that ruin my night. We were able to walk up the bouncer and let us in with Carly's cheekiness . We walked into the crowded and loud club. Carly and I walked right to the bar. "What can I get you ladies?" the bartender asked. Carly order as i walked away to dance. I didn't need someone to dance with I can have fun without drinking and without someone to be there.

I was dancing for a good 10 minutes by myself until I feel someones hands on my waist.

Liam's P.O.V

We got to the club and the boys started to do shots. I was just chating up with them and having a great time. I went to sit at a booth with Niall and his girlfriend, Tiarra . They were making out and all over each other. I was looking all over the club just to see everyone enjoying themselves. Then the room seem to stop because I saw her. The girl from the airport. She made me shiver again. Before I knew it was getting up walking towards her. I put both of my hands on her waist. She jumped  and turned slowly. " Hey, Cortnee ,right?" She gulped and nodded. She had to look up at me . " You look beautiful tonight." I whispered in ear. I grabbed her hand and walked to an empty booth. 

She was playing with her fingers. She was nervous. " You don't have to be nervous. I'm sorry." I tried to make her feel comfort. " Liam, you know don't have to try to flatter me" She said without looking at me."What are you talking about?" she shook her head and apologized . God I started to get nervous. I really never felt like this with a girl. "Cortnee? Do you want to dance?" She looked up at me and smiled. A beautiful smile.

We both walked to the middle and danced. I was a horrible dancer but she was amazing. I didnt see her ever have a drink in her hand. " Cortnee, do you want a drink" she shook her head " I don't drink"  I was surprised most drinks don't even want to dance unless they have some type of liquor in them. We danced for along time until she was exhausted. I walked her back to the booth and then went to the bar to get some water for us. I saw Harry making out with some one , of course. I was surprised to see who it was though. It was Carly. I shook my head and grabbed two water bottles. I walked back to Cortnee and gave it to her. She smiled up at me . Her light blue eyes sparkled."Hey my head really hurt from the music. I was wondering if you want to watch a movie at my flat." I asked nervously. 

She looked at me nervously."Yeah, sure. But can we leave through the back exit" I nodded. Understanding why she would want to. We got into my car and went to the flat.

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