Chapter 2

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P.O.V Cortnee

Its finally Friday, which means moving day. I get woken up by very hyper Carly. "CORTNEE! CORTNEE! WAKE UP ITS MOVING DAY!" she screamed while jumping on me bed. I took a pillow and threw it at her and she ran out of the room. I lazily got up and took a quick shower before Chase could ever wake up. I quickly got dressed and put my hair in a messy bun. ( 

Carly walked back into the room fully dressed. (  "CORTNEE WE HAVE TO GO!!" she excitedly shrieked. It was 4 a.m and our flight was at 8. We headed down the stairs to have a quick breakfast. I put some frosted flakes in some bowl and had some orange juice. I guess Carly made a frozen egg sandwich. She started to chow down on her food while I made sure everything was settle to go. I put the rest of her suitcases in my truck . I sat outside on the steps just looking at the last time I'm going to see this neighborhood.

I started to get cold so I went inside and made some hot chocolate . I waited for Carly to be ready to go. We really should have left already but Carly's mum took forever to wake up. Her mum was already crying. My mum wouldn't cry for me leaving. She doesn't even care that I'm alive right now. We packed ourselves into my crowded truck. I'm gonna miss my car. I couldn't drive in my American truck in England. I wont be able to drive till i can get my new licenses. Carly was listening to her iPod and i was  just staring out my window. Carly's mum was driving us and would be keeping my truck at her place till we come back . If we come back.  I know Carly will come back for the holidays but for me I will try my best not to come back ever.

We got to the airport at 6 , which means we have 2 hours to get through the airport. We sat waiting for the flight to be called. "Cortnee?" I looked up at Carly "yes?" she seemed a little upset about something "What's wrong ,Carly?" 

"What if England isn't a new beginning what if its bad?"

"Please don't say that. I need this to be a new beginning" I begged.

"I'm sorry, for being so negative" she chuckled nervously.

I looked at her curiously. I put my ear buds in and try to block out the crowded airport till our plane gets called. Hopefully Carly is paying attention because I cant hear anything but my music. I ended up dozing off until I feel two fingers go in to my side that makes me jolt forward. "Cortnee our plane was called ,let's go." I got up sleepily , grabbed my backpack and went towards the plane. I tapped the outside of the plane.(a tradition , to keep the plane from crashing.) Carly laughed at me thinking I'm ridiculous for doing that. We ended in different rows and i had to watch Netflix alone , well no completely alone i have a little boy next to me. I probably shouldn't watch this show next to him, but he isn't my worries. 

I ended up having the aisle seat , i hated it. After watching 4 episodes I started to feel sleepy , I turned my laptop off and fell asleep for the rest of the trip. After sleeping I felt a hand softly touch my arm "Excuse me miss, we are landing soon" the flight attendant said. "Oh, thank you." I settled into my seat and prepared for landing. I turned to try to find Carly. It wasn't hard she was the girl jumping up and down in her seat. I put my thumbs up to her and laugh.

We finally landed and we gathered our things. We head out of the plane to go gather the tons of suitcases we had with our clothes it. We politely asked the airport to ship them to our flat. Of course they agreed. We heard some teenage girls squeal and we turned to see why they were . When i slowly turned to see , I saw why and locked eyes with a beautiful pair of chocolatey brown eyes and my surrounding went muffled. But that only last a few second, because I ended up being tumbled on.

P.O.V Carly

A group of paparazzi run through."Cortnee, Watch out!" I don't know why she didn't hear me and they ended trampling over her. "Assholes!" I ran over to her and and bent down next to her " Cortnee , you okay?"

5 pairs of shoes surrounded me and Cortnee.. "Is she okay?" a strong British voice said.

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