Chapter 5

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Cortnee's P.O.V

Once we got into Liam's car , I started to get nervous. I am in the car of my celebrity crush. I decided i couldn't make contact and just looked down at my lap." Are you okay," He broke the silence." Um, yeah I find. Just in the same car with my celebrity crush" I blurted out and then put my hand over my mouth. I bet you, my face was bright red.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"  I attempted to say until he jumped in " Don't be sorry" he put his hand on mine. For the rest of the ride it was completely silence. When we pulled up to his flat realizing we live in the same area, I giggle. " What are you giggling about" He laughed curiously.

"Carly and I live her as well" i looked over at him with a smile on my face. He stop the car "Are you sure Carly didn't plan to live near us?" he chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders and laughed as well. We sat in the car for a bit before we went inside, that when my nerves came back. God my dreams flash in my head, this is the guy I always wanted to date, this is the nice guy i need. He is the one that can make my life to fairy tale. Right? "Cortnee?" He snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes ?" I smiled nervously.

"Lets go inside." He rushed out of the car to my door and opened it for me. " What a gentleman" i giggled and he offered his hand to help me out. He held my hand and we approached the door . He unlocked the door. " The living area is right over there " He pointed down the hall. I walked in and saw the huge flat screen. I sat down on the sofa and wait till he came in.  I take some deep breaths. I pulled my phone out. ' I probably should shoot Carly a text' I thought to myself.


Hey girly, I'm went to liams flat... please be safe . Love yah

A few seconds later I got a text back, but it wasn't from Carly it was my ex.



I tried so hard not to cry or freak out. Just when on tear escapes , Liam walks in.. " Hey wanna watch-- Wait, are you okay love?" He rushed to my side and wrapped his arms around me. My phone went off again and it was him again, I started to cry to hard. Liam took my phone and read it. He pulled me closer and I kept crying. 'Great , Cortnee you cant pull your shit together'. After a 10 minutes in Liam's embrace I stop crying. " Cortnee, you are safe now." he spoke softly

"Liam I'm sorry. I ruined all my chances of being your friend and anything that I ever--" I stop rambling. " Cortnee, don't be ridiculous." I stayed silent. " Hey lets watch Toy Story 3 " He smiled , I softly giggled. I sat up on the sofa and fixed my dressed. "I will get some crisps" Liam said as he walked out of the room. I turned my phone off and relax into the sofa.'I hope this is a new start' all i can say to myself. I looked at the clock on the wall and it said it was 1 in the morning. I was feeling tired but I must stay awake. 

Liam came back and started the movie. He sat right next to me. My heart started to beat fast. The lights were dimmed. Liam didn't seem to be effected by me being here like i was by him. I must be fan girling , even though it seems like love. I scooted away from him thinking i was so close to him. I felt his eyes on me. I look over at him and slightly smile. 

Liam's P.O.V

She scooted away from me, when I just want her closer to me. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. She was the most beautiful girl I have seen. I couldn't stop looking at her. Her hand was on the cushion in between us. I put my hand over hers. I know I only met her today, i felt different. 'Could it be love?'  I scooted closer to her. I needed her know that I would hurt her like that Jason ,mate. I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. She looked up at me, her sky blue eyes sparkled . I smiled at her " Your eyes are beautiful" she blushed. She rested her head on my shoulder and watch my favorite movie Toy Story 3. 

Her body started to get heavy as she was drifting into sleep " Cortnee, love, do you want a pair of sweats?" she nodded slightly. I picked her up bridal style and carried her into my guest room." I will be right back."  I came back and she was nearly sleeping, " Cortnee , here's your clothes"  she woke up and i left the room, but waited in the hall.  

( She came out and smiled, I couldn't help but laugh, my clothes where way to big on her. She blushed, her face was deep red, reminded me of Niall when he laughs so hard. I walked over to her and gave her a hug" You still looked beautiful" I whisper.

We walked back to the living area and put the movie back on , but this time we were laying down and she fell asleep into my arms. This night showed me that in one night you could possibly love someone. I watched her sleep in my arms. But then I notice the scars. on her wrist. I didn't notice them before. This poor girl must have been through so much. I don't know who could her, she was adorable. My mission is to make sure this beautiful girl doesn't get hurt anymore. I turned the movie off and slide the blanket over us and I drifted into sleep.

" Aww look at them"

"Shhh, don't wake them"

"Omigod, I need a picture" surely I woke up with the flash of Carly's IPhone. " Oops" she said. I tighten my grip of my arms around Cortnee's tiny waist. She was heavy sleep ." What are guys doing in my flat?" I sleepily said , my voice was raspy. Cortnee shifted closer to me. 

"Well I got a text from Niall, saying Cortnee was still here so I brought her some stuff and some coffee for her" She had a bag and Starbucks cup in her hand. "Cortnee time to wake up " I softly said. " She groaned and almost fell on the floor, luckily i had a good grip on her. "Damn , Cortnee stop being so clumsy" Carly Laughed out. Cortnee eyes opened wide , her back was facing Carly and she was looking at me. " Carly, why are you here" she choked out. Carly threw the bag at Cortnee. " So you can get dressed. And your coffee is on the table. I am going back to Harry's and Louis'. Liam text Harry when you are ready for with plans" She smiled and left the flat.

 Cortnee nestily back into my chest." Sleepy head" I chuckled. She looked up from my chest and she blushed." Im sorry I fell asleep here" she softly said, she sat up and i grabbed her waist. "Can we sleep for a little be longer" she blushed. "No, i have to get dressed" She giggled and walked to the bathroom with her bag. I got up and went to my room and got dressed. Today will be a great day. I sat on my bed and planned the day of new beginning.

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