Chapter Twenty one

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(Time Skip)

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(Time Skip)

Sweat drops fall one after another...Simmons is not holding back on us this time. Leon and I have separated a few times just to avoid his attacks, Ada would distract him a few times by firing at him with the gun attached to the helicopter. Thanks, Ada.

Leon was dealing with a normal human sized Simmons, beating him with punch after punch like what he did when we were on the train. Simmons kicks Leon away-- he's about to transform again. Leon knew to stay away. A loud roaring vehicle engine caught my attention. There comes rescue, a BSAA solider waving for us to hop in the vehicle. I see why, there were two mounted machine guns built in the back.

(Soldier- " Get in!" I ran towards the vehicle, Leon was already on and waiting for me to jump in. Simmons roars loudly-- causing my ears to tremble. I jumped onto the back of the vehicle, Leon grabbed onto my upper arm to fully secure I was in.

(Soldier)- " Glad I found you guys. Cain's orders." The name draws my attention to the soldier.

(Y/n)- " Cain?"

(Soldier)- " Orders to help you out, anyway I can. By the looks of it--you could use my help." he steps on the gas and begins to drive with fast speed. Simmons jaw drops--trying to take a bite out of us. Leon takes to the mounted machine gun opens fire on Simmons, I get up and reach over to the other one. Pulling the larger triggers, the force of the gun was extreme-- made my hands vibrate, I don't like the feeling. Simmons seems to be slowing down--nope! He's not! He's really pissed off.

(Leon)- " Speed up!" he shouts for our driver to hit the gas.

(Soldier)- " I'm going as fast as I can!"

As we drive around in a circle---unloading on Simmons he can't seem to reach us. My hands were beginning to hurt...

(Soldier)- " Unload on the fucking thing!" as we go for a turn--Simmons took advantage and headbutted our vehicle--a gasp escapes my mouth as we go with the car as it flipped over once-- we fall out of it before it can flip over once more landing upside down. Leon and I lay near each other-- recovering from the crash. I look behind me to see the vehicle burst into flames....the solider...he didn't make it. Simmons stood in front of us-- roaring very so loudly.

(Y/n)- " I think we pissed him off!" I say as we both get up from the ground.

(Leon)- " Just stay focused, we can take him!"

(Time Skip)

God--! Simmons won't go down! Leon must be fed up with him already. As I was hiding behind a car--I had a second to recover my breathing. I hear Leon's shots--Simmons human grunts, he must've turned back to human. I peaked over the side of the car and see him again--wait...what is that? A gasoline barrel? Right...I have to aim for that-- but Simmons is not close enough to it. Okay-- I got a plan, I'll just lure Simmons once he turns and lead him closer to the barrel. Okay-- okay...easy enough right? I nodded to myself, this is the plan. I got tup and went around the car-- there a massive T-rex size Simmons.

Strange Comfort (RE6: Leon Kennedy x Reader) [Book#2] [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now