Chapter 2♥

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"DAD! I'm Home!" I yelled As me and Justin walked into my Tall Green front door. I heaved a sigh. He told me to come, then He isn't even here. I flopped on my tiny white sofa in the living room. Justin wandered in moments later, His hands in his pocket, His smile Making my heart speed Faster the longer I looked. He starred into my eyes and I starred into his.

"How Come I Have Never Seen You Here?" He ask Not leaving his eyes from mines. I sighed and stood up from my small white couch. I walked over towards Justin And grabbed his hand. Tingles erupted in my hand, but I shrugged it off. Probably Just some Carpet Friction. I dragged Justin Upstairs Until we were standing in front of a bookcase.

"What Are We Do-" I shushed Justin and let Go of his hand. The Tingles disappearing as soon as Our hands disconnected. I Gently Traced my fingers throughout the books Looking for The letter S. I Smiled when I found it. I pulled it down gently and Moments later, The bookcase Started to move slowly but silently against the Hard wood Floor. I turned to Justin Who had a Shocked face on. I smirked and grabbed his hand again, Feeling those tingles In my hand again. The weird thing; There wasn't any Carpet to be found. I Pushed that thought to the back of my head and dragged Justin up the hidden staircase.

"Whats this? Whats Going on?" Justin Managed to get out as we were dashing up the stairs. We finally reached the top and Justin Froze. His jaw slightly ajar.

"You Like?" I said, A smirk Plastered on my Lips.

"This Is Amazing! How do you get something like this?" Justin said walking around Trying to take everything in.

"Well, As I said before, I was a secret. So My dad got this room made for me s-"

"Wait, You Sleep In Here?!" Justin said cutting me off.

I giggled, "No Silly. I mean sometimes I do Fall Asleep up here, But No my room is downstairs."

Justin Nodded and flopped down on a bean bag chair.

"So what were you saying?" Justin said his eyes meeting mines. I walked over and sat next to him.

"I was a secret. So whenever my dad had company or You over, I would Just chill up here. Its like My Teenage getaway." I said Smiling warmly at him. His eyes never Left mines.

"Its Amazing. I would Love something like this." Justin whispered the last part. He took his eyes off of mines eying the popcorn machine.

"You know, if you ever Just want to Getaway from everything, You can Just come here And we could hang up here." I said serious.

"your kidding right?" Justin said not believing me.

"Nope" I said Popping the 'p'. "you can come in here and we could hang out under 1 condition." I said smirking Evily.

"Oh Lord. Please Don't Make Me do anything I will regret." Justin said shaking his head playfully.

I giggled and gently punched his arm.

"Nope, You Have to promise To be My Best Friend. I don't have any friends considered I was rarely aloud outside and I was Home schooled." I said looking away Embarrassed. Justin Turned my head towards him causing me to blush and look down. He Grabbed my chin and lifted my head up.

"Thats nothing to be Embarrassed about, And I will be your best friend." Justin said grinning. His face was inches from mines. I wanted to grab him and crush my lips on his, But he has Selena.

"YES!" I Squealed. Justin Chuckled and backed away causing me to sigh to myself. I wanted him to kiss me.

I never had my first kiss before and I think me being 17, that's really lame and Embarrassing.

I grabbed a straw and threw it at him. It hit him in his head causing me to erupt in laughter.

"OUCH!" Justin cried and covered his face and quietly sobbed. I stopped and dashed over to his side.

"I'm so sorry I Didn't mean It I Suck at being a best friend." I breathed out.

Justin stopped 'sobbing' and Slowly rose his head. He had a evil Grin plastered on his lips.

I backed away slowly and ran for the door. I dashed quickly down the steps, hearing Justin's footsteps Close behind mines. As soon as I reached the bottom,I felt arms wrap around my waist causing me to shiver in delight.

"That wasn't very nice of you was it?"Justin said that evil smirk still on his face. He was hovering above me since he was 5'6 and I was 5'4. His soft warm breath hitting my neck making me shiver.

He traced his fingers around my neck which was wide open considering my hair was all up in a messy bun. His touch made my stomach do summer salts. His arms were still around my waist. I didn't move. He pulled me closer closing the gap between us and lowered his head towards my ear. Before he could whisper anything, I heard someone clear their throat. Me and Justin snapped our head towards the person. Justin quickly let go of me and ran his fingers threw his hair awkwardly. I sighed. Why does he have to ruin things. I was having fun.

It was no other than My dad.

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